海鲜焗饭 Seafood Fried Rice with Cheesy Topping

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1437 人做过这道菜

If you love Mozzarella cheese then this recipe is for you. Fried rice, mixed with fresh, delicious seafood, then covered with a thick and creamy white sauce. If that wasn’t already delicious enough, the dish is then covered with Mozzarella cheese and baked until soft and gooey. The result is a thick, creamy rice dish with a delicious tasting stretchy cheese topping. The taste is irresistible and the family will keep coming back for more. This is a must try. So get into your kitchen and start cooking 


熟米饭 适量
鱿鱼 150g(切条)
虾仁 100g
洋葱 1/4个(切碎)
青豆 适量
黄油 20g
牛奶 300ml
面粉 2汤勺tbsp
黑胡椒 适量
蚝油 适量
马苏里拉芝士 150g

海鲜焗饭 Seafood Fried Rice with Cheesy Topping的做法  

  1. 准备食材

    海鲜焗饭 Seafood Fried Rice with Cheesy Topping的做法 步骤1
  2. 炒锅内加入平时炒菜的油量,倒入洋葱炒到透明后加入鱿鱼和虾仁炒至8成熟。

    海鲜焗饭 Seafood Fried Rice with Cheesy Topping的做法 步骤2
  3. 加入米饭炒散炒匀后加入蚝油和盐调味,炒好的米饭盛到焗饭碗里。

    海鲜焗饭 Seafood Fried Rice with Cheesy Topping的做法 步骤3
  4. 在一个奶锅中加入黄油,小火融化黄油。等黄油融化后加入面粉用勺子不停搅拌直到均匀,然后慢慢的加入牛奶并不停搅拌。做好的奶油白汁像煎饼的面糊质地,这时加入黑胡椒和盐调味。

    海鲜焗饭 Seafood Fried Rice with Cheesy Topping的做法 步骤4
  5. 预热烤箱220度,将做好的奶油白汁浇在炒好的米饭上。

    海鲜焗饭 Seafood Fried Rice with Cheesy Topping的做法 步骤5
  6. 撒上马苏里拉芝士。

    海鲜焗饭 Seafood Fried Rice with Cheesy Topping的做法 步骤6
  7. 将米饭送到烤箱220度烤10分钟左右直到表面金黄即可。

    海鲜焗饭 Seafood Fried Rice with Cheesy Topping的做法 步骤7


1. 大家可以按自己喜欢的口味加入其他酱汁。
2. 这种焗饭不需要使用太多的马苏里拉芝士一样美味。

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该菜谱发布于 2016-04-25 23:31:33
76864 收藏

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