#Noexcuses# #身体都知道[音乐]# Hola guys ~[喵喵][哈哈]
Yesterday, i had dinner with my workmates and had a cup of matcha cream frappuccino, what made me brush YouTube video into the middle of the night[二哈] [二哈][二哈][二哈] I was sleep at four o'clock and waked up at six o'clock. Crazying 😜 😝
Definitely, this morning I need some energy to help me work today. So today's Breakfast i choose the super Green smoothie bowl with Spanish, frozen banana,oat milk,avocado,tofu and topping with berries .🍌🥑🍇
以至于今天需要super food 能量果昔
菠菜+豆腐+牛油果+冻香蕉+网红燕麦饮品= 绿色能量果昔 (国内没有可生吃的菠菜需要焯水 具体原因见图3)
[允悲]每天能看完我这夹杂很多mistakes的絮絮叨不容易 谢谢你们[鲜花]
#六月坦诚生活# #认真对待食物# #早餐也要高颜值# #lu的2018# #YOU ARE WHAT YOU EAT# #牛油果星人# #早餐•2018年6月8日##蛋素主义##一个人住的第二年#