#Noexcuses# #身体都知道[音乐]# morning~ guys
Yesterday I was go to the gym and the group chat topic is 'talk about life events '
So, I graduated from college in 2014 and got the first job in the same year.
What about you? When did you graduate from college? Have you met love of your life? Tell me something. Thanks [喵喵]
Today's breakfast is coco wholewheat chia seed pancakes 🥞 .
[哈哈][哈哈][哈哈]There’s no jam but don't afraid . Add the red dragon fruit into the yoghurt[喵喵] the jam is!
#YOU ARE WHAT YOU EAT##七月用心生活# #早餐也要高颜值# #lu的2018# #认真对待食物# #早餐•2018年7月15日##一个人住的第三年##蛋素主义#