20240101 Be faithful in small things because it is in them that your strength lies. 认真对待身边的小事,因为小事中蕴藏着你的力量。 #早餐•2024年...
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20231231 Life is divided into three terms - that which was, which is, and which will be. Let us learn from the past to...
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20231230 Don't worry when you are not recognized, but strive to be worthy of recognition. 不要担心不被认可,而要努力成为值得认可的人...
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20231229 Leaders keep their eyes on the horizon, not just on the bottom line. 领导者的眼睛要盯住地平线范围,而不只是盯着底线。 #早餐•2023年12月29...
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20231228 To forget one's purpose is the commonest form of stupidity. 忘记一个人的目的是愚蠢的最常见形式。 #早餐•2023年12月28日# #元旦#
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20231227 I count him braver who overcomes his desires than him who conquers his enemies; for the hardest victory is over...
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