Chicken Piccata 香煎雞排

0 人做过这道菜


橄欖油 1-2 湯匙
雞胸肉 一塊
麵粉 1/4杯
蘑菇片 適量
雞湯 半杯
檸檬汁 一個
黃油 一湯匙
香菜 少許

Chicken Piccata 香煎雞排的做法  

  1. 鸡肉提前用盐和胡椒按摩一下,中火锅中加入橄榄油。将腌制好的鸡肉放入面粉中滚一圈。每面煎炸3-4分钟
    Heat the olive oil in a large skillet over medium high heat. Season the chicken with salt and pepper. Place the flour in a shallow dish and dredge the chicken through it, coating the chicken on both sides. Place the chicken in the hot skillet and brown until golden brown and crusty, about 4 minutes per side. Transfer the chicken to a plate.

  2. 加入蘑菇翻炒至变软变色
    Add the mushrooms (or other vegetables) to the pan and cook, stirring often, until they are softened and starting to brown, about 5 minutes.

  3. Deglaze the pan with the chicken stock and lemon juice, using a wooden spoon to stir and scrape up any browned bits from the pan bottom.

  4. Stir in the butter until it is melted, then add the chicken back to the sauce. Top with chopped parsley or other herbs, if desired, and serve with lemon wedges (for those who want a tangier dish).


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该菜谱发布于 2014-02-25 02:56:38
18 收藏

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