奥利奥双芝士蛋糕 Oreo Double Cheese Cake

0 人做过这道菜
宝贝女儿生日,弄了她爱吃的Cheese Cake, 这蛋糕已作了N次,品尝它最佳时间是48小时之后。 本打算把它打扮得美美的,好让我的她惊喜一番。 怎么料到出来的效果惨不忍睹,烘出来的蛋糕表面裂得可怜。
为了表示自己‘除非对战 绝不屈服’的精神,今早立刻去买材料抢救这残局, 出来的效果味道也不错,取了一个好听的名字,(Baked with baked-free) Oreo Double Cheese Cake。 这小小的失误, 能有个不同凡响的新食谱也应该是件好事. 哈哈


成分(烤部分)Baked portion
奶油芝士 Cream Cheese 300g
白砂糖 Castor sugar 70g
柠檬汁 Lemon Juice 2 teasp
香草精 Vanilla essence 1 teasp
杏仁精华 Almond Essence 1/4 teasp
蛋黄 Egg yolk 3
面粉 Plain flour 30g
新鲜的奶油( 35 % ) Fresh whipped cream (35%) 70g
蛋白 Egg white 3粒
细砂糖 Castor sugar 40g
奥利奥饼干( 1/4大小) Oreo Cookies (1/4 size) 50g
成分(不需烘焙芝士蛋糕部分) Ingredients (Non baked portion)
奶油芝士,室温 cream cheese, room temperature 250g
鲜奶油(或35 %鲜奶油) heavy cream (or 35% whipping cream) 120ml
牛奶 milk 2tbsp
糖 sugar 60g
酸奶 sour cream 50g
柠檬汁 lemon juice 2tbsp
鱼胶粉 gelatine powder 1tbsp
朗姆酒(可选) rum (optional) 1tbsp
饼底部成分 Crus Ingredients
奥利奥饼干(碎) Oreo cookies (crushed) 150g
无盐黄油 Unsalted butter 40g
蜂蜜 Honey 1Tbsp

奥利奥双芝士蛋糕 Oreo Double Cheese Cake的做法  

  1. 芝士蛋糕做法 Baked Cheese cake method
    1 。把奶油芝士放入搅拌机用中低速打大约5分钟

    1. Use beater & beat cream cheese at medium-slow speed for 5 mins

  2. 2 。慢慢的加入幼糖用搅拌器打至滑(大约5分钟)
    2. Add in sugar slowly. Scrape the sides of the mixer & beat for 5 mins

  3. 3 。加入柠檬汁及香草香精- (大约1分钟)
    3. Add in lemon juice & vanilla essences – beat for 1 min.

  4. 4 。慢慢倒入蛋黄(另外3分钟)
    4. Pour in the yolk slowly & beat for another 3 mins

  5. 5 。添加面粉和拌匀。
    5. Add in the plain flour & just mix well

  6. 6 。蛋白加入糖打至粗泡偏湿
    6. Beat egg white & sugar till soft peak.

  7. 7 。分三次将蛋白霜加入蛋黄乳酪糊中,切拌均匀。
    7. Fold in the whipped cream & egg white separately and then add into the cream mixture.

  8. 8 。放一些Oreo 饼干在混合物里。
    8. Add some Oreo cookies into the mixture.

  9. 9 。烤箱低层放深盘,加水至模具3/4处,烘140'C约1小时
    9. Bake in Baine Maria 140C for about 1hr

  10. 不需烘焙芝士蛋糕部分做法 Non baked portion method
    1 。在一个搅拌机,打奶油芝士直到蓬松。加入糖,打至轻和滑(大约5分钟)奶油。
    1. In a mixer, beat the cream cheese until fluffy. Add in sugar, beat until light and creamy, about 5 mins.

  11. 2 。添加酸奶,鲜奶油,牛奶和柠檬汁,打至结合为止。
    2. Add sour cream, heavy cream, milk and lemon juice, beat until well combined.

  12. 3 。以中火加热混合物直到它开始有泡沫在锅里为定。从火上移开。加入明胶,搅拌直到完全溶解。放冷至室温。
    3. Heat the mixture in a saucepan set over medium heat until it starts to bubble. Remove from the heat. Add the gelatine and stir until it is completely dissolved. Let cool to room temperature.

  13. 饼底部作法
    1 。融化黄油在平底锅和添加的所有成分及炒至香
    Crust Method
    1. Melt butter in a pan & add in all the ingredients &

  14. 2 。轻轻地混合在一起然后把混合物压在9 “模具的油纸上, 放入冰箱里。
    2. Mix all together & press lightly onto 9” round cake tin lined with Parchment paper (bottom & side), keep into the fridge.

  15. 装配做法( 9'寸模具)
    1 )切烤芝士蛋糕,并转移至9英寸饼底的可移动模具。
    Assembly (9’ inch mould)
    1) Cut the baked cheese cake and transfer to 9 inch Crust lose based mould.

  16. 2 )在烤芝士蛋糕的顶部倒入不需烘焙芝士蛋糕混合物。撒上奥利奥Oreo饼干 Oreo(可选)。把混合物弄均匀。放蛋糕在冰箱至少24小时或最好48小时。
    2) Pour the mixture on top of the baked cheese cake. Sprinkle Oreo biscuit (optional).on the mixture, level the mixture smoothly. Chill cake at least 24hrs or the best 48 hours.

  17. 3 )布置您自己的装饰。完成!
    3)Set your own decoration. Done


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该菜谱发布于 2014-03-24 12:37:05
52 收藏

奥利奥双芝士蛋糕 Oreo Double Cheese Cake的答疑

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