法式吞拿鱼咸派 tuna leek quiche

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Easter Brunch 一群朋友来我家,quiche配香槟,还有满屋的阳光,醉了。配方是从法国小室友的Quiche Lorraine菜谱改良的。


用料一 (咸酥派皮)
无盐黄油(室温下软化) 150g
1/2 teaspoon
面粉 300g
1/2 cup
鸡蛋 4个
厚奶油 4 soup spoon
吞拿鱼 一罐头(100-200g)
柠檬 1个
韭葱(leek) 2棵
cheddar (grated) 1 cup

法式吞拿鱼咸派 tuna leek quiche的做法  

  1. For the pie crust,
    - mix the flour and the salt
    - add the butter
    - mix with your fingers for about 3min, so that the flour becomes granular
    - add water and keep mixing with your fingers until the dough is homogenous
    - put the dough in the fridge for at least 15min (thus the dough will be easier to spread)

  2. For the filling,
    - cook the tuna (cut in small pieces)
    - cook the leek (with butter)
    - mix the eggs and the cream
    - prepare the dough in a pan, make small holes in the dough with a fork
    - put the cooked tuna and leek on the dough
    - add in lemon zest and lemon juice squeezed from the lemon
    - cover them with the mixture of cream and eggs
    - add grated cheese on the top

  3. Put it in the oven about 25min 220°C


该菜谱发布于 2014-05-04 09:52:52
166 收藏

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