黑椒酥皮牛排片 Crusted Black Pepper Steak Slices

3 人做过这道菜
After my Yoga session today, I decided to fry the remaining sirloin steak I had in the fridge to complement the porridge for breakfast tomorrow. The crispy layer is created from coating the steak with lots of coarsely ground black pepper and frying it with oil, which is slightly different from simply grilling it in a grill pan


牛排 steak 1块 1piece
现磨粗黑胡椒 coarsely ground black pepper 尽量多点 plenty
盐 salt 少许 appropriate amount

黑椒酥皮牛排片 Crusted Black Pepper Steak Slices的做法  

  1. 用托盘把黑椒和少许盐磨好拌匀,把牛排所有的边都沾满
    Coarsely grind lots of black pepper and add an appropriate amount of salt for seasoning. Mix well and coat steak on all sides with this rub

    黑椒酥皮牛排片 Crusted Black Pepper Steak Slices的做法 步骤1
  2. 锅里加菜油,中火烧热后
    Add vegetable oil and preheat on medium heat

    黑椒酥皮牛排片 Crusted Black Pepper Steak Slices的做法 步骤2
  3. 把沾满黑椒的牛排放入锅内,中火煎两分钟
    Place steak (fully coated with black pepper and salt) into pan. Fry in oil for 2 minutes

    黑椒酥皮牛排片 Crusted Black Pepper Steak Slices的做法 步骤3
  4. 翻面再煎两分钟
    Flip and fry the other side for two minutes

    黑椒酥皮牛排片 Crusted Black Pepper Steak Slices的做法 步骤4
  5. 每边再煎四十五秒
    Fry the other sides, each side for 45 seconds

    黑椒酥皮牛排片 Crusted Black Pepper Steak Slices的做法 步骤5
  6. 把牛排放在盘里,包锡纸,盖上五分钟
    Rest the steak in a plate, covered with aluminium foil for 5 minutes

    黑椒酥皮牛排片 Crusted Black Pepper Steak Slices的做法 步骤6
  7. 把牛排切片
    Cut the steak into slices

    黑椒酥皮牛排片 Crusted Black Pepper Steak Slices的做法 步骤7
  8. 摆放在盘里便能上桌
    Plate and serve

    黑椒酥皮牛排片 Crusted Black Pepper Steak Slices的做法 步骤8


If you want to create a crispy skin, be generous with the black pepper and allow oil to fry to create a nice crust. Also, set your black pepper mill at coarse setting for rustic results. Like cooking all steaks, ensure that the steak is at room temperature so that the skin will cook through, with a nice crust and a pink centre

参照这个菜谱,大家做出 3 作品

该菜谱发布于 2015-01-07 22:41:35
392 收藏

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