bacon, diced:切片培根 | 4 slices:四片 |
chopped onion:洋葱碎 | 1 1/2 cups:一又二分之一杯 |
water:水 | 1 1/2 cups:一又二分之一杯 |
peeled and cubed potatoes:去皮土豆丁 | 4 cups:四杯 |
half-and-half:half half的奶油 | 3 cups:三杯 |
butter:黄油 | 3 tablespoons:三大勺 |
minced clams:蛤蜊碎 | 2 (10 ounce) cans:两罐(十盎司) |
salt:盐 | 1 1/2 teaspoons:一又二分之一小勺 |
ground black pepper:黑胡椒面 | to taste:自个儿尝= = |
Place diced bacon in large stock pot over medium-high heat. Cook until almost crisp; add onions, and cook 5 minutes. 中高火煎培根,培根变脆后加洋葱继续炒五分钟。
Stir in water and potatoes, and season with salt and pepper. Bring to a boil, and cook uncovered for 15 minutes, or until potatoes are fork tender. 加入土豆丁和水搅拌,煮沸后不盖盖儿煮十五分钟直到土豆丁变软。
Pour in half-and-half, and add butter. 倒入half half奶油,并加入黄油。
Drain clams, reserving clam liquid; stir clams and 1/2 of the clam liquid into the soup. 蛤蜊沥干水,沥出来那水还得留着= =;把沥出来的水的一半加蛤蜊倒入汤中搅拌。(所以我直接别沥那么干净不就行了在这儿瞎折腾什么呢。。。)
Cook for about 5 minutes, or until heated through. Do not allow to boil. 煮五分钟左右或者到完全被加热透了。不要煮沸。(个人认为不要煮沸这一点很重要!!)