土耳其散蛋饭(Turkish fried eggs)

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by.daydaycook 767  ×一边做菜一边学英语×


green bell pepper (青椒) 1
Tomato(番茄) 1
eggs(鸡蛋) 4
dried red chilli(干红尖椒) 4
olive oil(橄榄油) 3 tablespoons(汤匙)
salt(盐) some
dried thyme(干百里香) 2 teaspoons(茶匙)

土耳其散蛋饭(Turkish fried eggs)的做法  

  1. Remove the seed and shred the green bell pepper (青椒去籽 切碎)

    土耳其散蛋饭(Turkish fried eggs)的做法 步骤1
  2. Dice tomato (番茄去心切碎)

    土耳其散蛋饭(Turkish fried eggs)的做法 步骤2
  3. Beat eggs(打散鸡蛋)

  4. Chop dried red chilli(剪碎干红尖椒)

    土耳其散蛋饭(Turkish fried eggs)的做法 步骤4
  5. Saute dried red chilli,add shredded green pepper,tomato and thyme(热锅冷油,爆香红尖椒,加入青椒碎番茄碎,炒几下后加入百里香翻炒)

    土耳其散蛋饭(Turkish fried eggs)的做法 步骤5
  6. Add eggs and stir 4-5times(加入鸡蛋液,搅拌4-5次)

    土耳其散蛋饭(Turkish fried eggs)的做法 步骤6
  7. Add some salt(加入盐调味)

该菜谱发布于 2015-12-19 15:01:02
30 收藏


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