Almond Butter & Rasperry Pancakes

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Raspberry Preserves 木莓果酱 1 cup 1 杯
Milk 牛奶 1 1/2 cups 1 1/2 杯
The Naked Almond Nutbutter 杏仁蜂蜜 3/4 cup 3/4 杯
Pancake Mix 烘焙粉 2 1/2 Cups 2 1/2 杯
Eggs 鸡蛋 2

Almond Butter & Rasperry Pancakes的做法  

  1. 小锅里倒入牛奶,牛奶中加适量杏仁蜂蜜酱搅拌均匀,加热至温热取下.
    In a small saucepan warm the milk, whisk in the almond butter and combine. Remove from heat.

  2. 在一个大碗里加烘焙粉、鸡蛋和已温热的牛奶,并搅拌均匀,做成香饼糊.
    In a large mixing bowl add the pancake mix. Stir in the eggs and milk mixture and combine.

  3. 中火预热平底锅,在平底锅中倒入1/4杯香饼糊,摊开并煎至两面金黄出锅
    Put a nonstick skillet over medium heat. Put 1/4 cup of pancake batter in the center and cook until golden brown on both sides.

  4. 煎饼上抹上木莓果酱,就可以享用了.
    Serve with raspberry preserve.

该菜谱发布于 2016-11-07 17:37:43
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