
0 人做过这道菜


牛腩900克 Brisket 2 Lb
白萝卜2根 White Radish 2 piece
八角1.5个 Star anise 1.5 pieces
冰糖10克 Rock candy 10g
姜3片 3 slices
柱侯酱2大勺 Chu hou paste 2 tablespoon
葱粒少许 Scallions a little


  1. 牛腩洗干净,切大块,然后放进沸水中汆水捞出沥干。
    Rinse the brisket well, cut into big pieces. Scald and drain.

  2. 牛腩,姜片,八角,冰糖放进锅中,加水至高处牛腩2个指节,盖上锅盖大火煮沸转中小火焖2.5小时。
    Put brisket, ginger, star anise and rock candy in pot, add water more than brisket a half, have it covered, high heat bring to boil, then reduce heat and simmer until the beef is tender(about 2.5 hours).

  3. 加入两大勺柱侯酱拌匀(我用的李锦记的柱侯酱,勺子是喝汤那种瓷勺),然后关火就这样腌一个晚上,这是好吃的关键。
    Add 2 tablespoon chu hou paste, mix well, now we can turn off the heat, leave it for a whole night(it is the key for good taste).

    零失败•萝卜焖牛腩的做法 步骤3
  4. 第二天早上把牛腩煮沸,白萝卜拿出来削皮,切滚刀块放进牛腩中,中小火焖20分钟就可以啦。出锅撒葱花~又软又糯,牛腩汁拌饭简直将寒意一扫而光!
    Tomorrow morning we heat the brisket boiling, put peeled and chopped white radish in, cook for 20 mins. Finish.
    Next add scallions, enjoy.



该菜谱发布于 2017-11-30 02:25:50
39 收藏


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