空气炸锅牙签羊肉/羊肉串Lamb Kabobs

0 人做过这道菜


羊肉lamb 280克
盐salt 1/4 tsp
黑胡椒black pepper 1/8 tsp
生姜粉ginger powder 1/8 tsp
Paprika 1/4 tsp
孜然粉cumin powder 1 tsp
料酒cooking wine 1 tbsp
生抽light soy sauce 1 tbsp
蚝油oyster oil 1 tbsp
生粉corn starch 1 tbsp

空气炸锅牙签羊肉/羊肉串Lamb Kabobs的做法  

  1. 羊肉切成小粒,要求大小均匀。Cut lean lamb meat into even sized small pieces.

    空气炸锅牙签羊肉/羊肉串Lamb Kabobs的做法 步骤1
  2. 加入所有调味料拌匀腌制,至少半个小时。Add all spices listed in the recipe, let it blend well and sit for at least 30 minutes.

    空气炸锅牙签羊肉/羊肉串Lamb Kabobs的做法 步骤2
  3. 牙签用水煮10分钟消毒,取出稍微放凉 Boil the bamboo sticks for 10 minutes so they are disinfected and wet.

    空气炸锅牙签羊肉/羊肉串Lamb Kabobs的做法 步骤3
  4. 用牙签穿过羊肉块,或是用竹签穿成串。Make kabobs with lamb pieces and bamboo sticks.

  5. 空气炸锅预热170度5分钟后,把羊肉放入预热好的炸锅内。Preheat air fryer for 5 minutes, then cook the kabobs at 350 degrees .

  6. 170度先炸8分钟,取出翻面,再炸8分钟。Cook on one side for 8 minutes then turn to the other side, cook another 8 minutes at 350 degrees.

  7. 做好了,加上生菜或是胡萝卜装饰摆盘。Sprinkle additional cumin powder or Cayenne pepper powder, use lettuce or carrots as garnish on the plate.

    空气炸锅牙签羊肉/羊肉串Lamb Kabobs的做法 步骤7

空气炸锅牙签羊肉/羊肉串Lamb Kabobs相关分类

该菜谱发布于 2018-10-31 01:42:03
126 收藏


空气炸锅牙签羊肉/羊肉串Lamb Kabobs的答疑
