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  1. 网上搜索的时候,看见这两张萌图,正好收藏一下,今天只研究了左半边

    🍋柠檬、青柠的分类小百科👩🏻‍🌾的做法 步骤1
  2. 网上搜索的时候,看见这两张萌图,正好收藏一下,以后研究橙、橘、柚时候用

    🍋柠檬、青柠的分类小百科👩🏻‍🌾的做法 步骤2
  3. 先从柠檬🍋说起,
    最常见的柠檬— Eureka& Lisbon

    🍋柠檬、青柠的分类小百科👩🏻‍🌾的做法 步骤3
  4. 这张很清楚,就是lisbon

    🍋柠檬、青柠的分类小百科👩🏻‍🌾的做法 步骤4
  5. lisbon

    🍋柠檬、青柠的分类小百科👩🏻‍🌾的做法 步骤5
  6. eureka

    🍋柠檬、青柠的分类小百科👩🏻‍🌾的做法 步骤6
  7. 想知道更多的,也可以自己浏览我查的资料👇详述
    Lemons: Most common everyday lemons are either Eurekas or Lisbons, though rarely does a market label their lemons as anything but “lemons.” A short neck at the stem end distinguishes Eureka lemons, whereas Lisbons have no distinct neck but the blossom end tapers to a pointed nipple. Eurekas may have a few seeds and a somewhat pitted skin, while Lisbons are commonly seedless with smoother skin. Both types have medium-thick skins and are abundantly juicy.Florida-grown lemons are likely to be Lisbon-type fruits called Bearss.

    🍋柠檬、青柠的分类小百科👩🏻‍🌾的做法 步骤7
  8. The Eureka and the Lisbon can be used to flavor both sweet and savory dishes. They can be used in sauces or as an accompaniment to fish and poultry. They can be used in baking and desserts, and their slices or wedges can be used as a garnish.
    The juice of the Eureka and Lisbon lemons can be used to tenderize meat, as a substitute for vinegar in dressings, and as a flavoring in drinks.
    The zest of the Eureka and Lisbon lemons—the yellow part of their peel—can used to add flavor when cooking and baking.
    The Eureka and Lisbon lemons are so similar in flavor, aroma and acidity that they sometimes are lumped together in marketing.

    🍋柠檬、青柠的分类小百科👩🏻‍🌾的做法 步骤8
  9. 还有一种柠檬,Meyer柠檬:其实不是纯种柠檬,而是柠檬和一种橙子🍊或橘子的杂交品种。

    🍋柠檬、青柠的分类小百科👩🏻‍🌾的做法 步骤9
  10. 这张普通🍋和Meyer lemon的对比,很明显,左边是meyer,右边是eureka

    🍋柠檬、青柠的分类小百科👩🏻‍🌾的做法 步骤10
  11. 部分查阅资料:                                                           Meyer lemons: The Meyer lemon, named for Frank N. Meyer, who first imported the fruit from China in 1908, is a cross between a lemon and either an orange or a mandarin. Its orange-yellow flesh is sweeter than a lemon’s, and it has a thin, smooth skin. They can sometimes be found in specialty food stores, and are more widely available in California, where they’re the most popular variety for home growers. In the 1960s, they carried a virus that had the potential to damage other citrus crops, so their sale was restricted. A new virus-free strain has been developed, making them somewhat easier to find at farmers’ markets and produce stores.

    🍋柠檬、青柠的分类小百科👩🏻‍🌾的做法 步骤11
  12. But they do have their differences, and there are ways to tell them apart.
    The Eureka lemon is more knobby and thicker-skinned than the Lisbon. The Eureka has a short neck at the stem end.
    The Lisbon lemon is smoother and has a thinner skin than the Eureka. The stem end of the Lisbon does not have a neck, but the opposite end—the blossom end—tapers to a slight point.
    The Eureka contains some seeds while the Lisbon is usually seedless.
    The Eureka lemon contains a moderate amount of juice, and the Lisbon lemon contains more juice than the Eureka.

    🍋柠檬、青柠的分类小百科👩🏻‍🌾的做法 步骤12
  13. 我今天烤柠檬片 用了两种柠檬,一种eureka,一种meyer。左边一点点是meyer,右边大部分是eureka

    🍋柠檬、青柠的分类小百科👩🏻‍🌾的做法 步骤13
  14. 左边一点点是meyer,右边大部分是eureka。是不是能分出来啦?😋

    🍋柠檬、青柠的分类小百科👩🏻‍🌾的做法 步骤14
  15. meyer外表

    🍋柠檬、青柠的分类小百科👩🏻‍🌾的做法 步骤15
  16. 这些都是meyer,因为皮薄、较软,不易切片

    🍋柠檬、青柠的分类小百科👩🏻‍🌾的做法 步骤16
  17. 好啦柠檬介绍完毕。
    Store :Eureka and Lisbon lemons can be kept in a plastic bag in the refrigerator for up to 2 weeks. (The Meyer lemon will keep for 1 week.) Lemons stored at room temperature will keep for about 1 week. The juice and zest of lemons can be frozen.

    🍋柠檬、青柠的分类小百科👩🏻‍🌾的做法 步骤17
  18. 下面介绍青柠Lime
    Tahiti limes: 超市最常见的青柠 Most of the limes in the supermarket are a Tahitian strain thought to have originated on that island. Tahiti limes come in two similar varieties: Persian limes, which are oval, egg-sized fruits cultivated in Florida, and a Bearss variety. The Bearss is a smaller, seedless California-grown lime. Both are greenish-yellow when fully mature, but are sold at their earlier, deep-green stage for better flavor.

    🍋柠檬、青柠的分类小百科👩🏻‍🌾的做法 步骤18
  19. Key Lime墨西哥青柠,皮不是特别硬,只是纯酸味和青柠特有的植物味。常见于key lime pie,jam等
    Key limes (Mexican limes): These are smaller, rounder, and yellower than most limes, with a higher acid content. They are best known as an ingredient in Key lime pie. Though Key limes were once a commercial crop in Florida, these days the majority of these limes are grown outside the United States, and used mostly in juice or juice concentrate.

    🍋柠檬、青柠的分类小百科👩🏻‍🌾的做法 步骤19
  20. Limequats: 一种金桔和青柠的杂种,也有lemonquat(即和柠檬的杂种)
    A cross between limes and kumquats, limequats are small, round, and yellowish with an acidic lime flavor.

    🍋柠檬、青柠的分类小百科👩🏻‍🌾的做法 步骤20
  21. 泰国青柠
    Makrut limes: These round, bumpy-skinned limes have very little juice, and what juice they have is bitter. They are used in Southeast Asian cooking for their zest and especially their leaves, which have fragrant oils. Makrut limes are also known as kaffir limes, but this term is increasingly controversial.
    柠檬叶 (Kaffir Lime Leaves) (泰音:Bai Makrood)

    🍋柠檬、青柠的分类小百科👩🏻‍🌾的做法 步骤21
  22. Rangpur limes: 应该是柠檬和橘子的杂交,但是有种青柠特有的气味,属lime系列
    Tart, acidic, and very juicy, these fruits resemble oranges or tangerines. They are most likely a cross between a lemon and a mandarin orange, but because they have a lime-like aroma, they have been dubbed limes.

    🍋柠檬、青柠的分类小百科👩🏻‍🌾的做法 步骤22
  23. 好啦,柠檬和青柠的介绍就到这里。以后有机会再多研究citrus家族其他成员

    🍋柠檬、青柠的分类小百科👩🏻‍🌾的做法 步骤23
该菜谱发布于 2019-02-22 10:00:48
61 收藏

