摩洛哥风味塔吉锅烤羊肩/Morocco Lamb tagine

0 人做过这道菜


羊肩肉/half shoulder of lamb 500-1000g
土豆/potatos 300-500g
胡萝卜/carrots 300g
洋葱/onions 1-2个
蒜/garlic 5-6瓣
塔吉酱/morocco tagine sauce 200g
番茄肉酱/peeled plum tomotoes 150g
摩洛哥香料/Ras el hanout paste 20ml/1 tablespoon
香菜/coriander 适量/handful
新鲜红辣椒/red chili 1个
黄油/butter 25g
香叶/bayleaf 2-3片/leaves
盐/salt 适量/3-4 teaspoons
黑胡椒末/ground black pepper 适量/3-4 teaspoons
食用油/vegetable oil 适量/2-3 tablespoons

摩洛哥风味塔吉锅烤羊肩/Morocco Lamb tagine的做法  

  1. 用料如图,还有新鲜红辣椒、油盐和黑胡椒等没在图中。
    Ingredients are shown in the photo, apart from fresh chili, salt, pepper and oil.

    摩洛哥风味塔吉锅烤羊肩/Morocco Lamb tagine的做法 步骤1
  2. 用食用油(我用的是橄榄油)盐和黑椒腌制羊肉,大约10分钟即可。
    Season the lamb with salt and pepper (half of the amount mentioned), and rub in with the oil.

    摩洛哥风味塔吉锅烤羊肩/Morocco Lamb tagine的做法 步骤2
  3. 腌制的同时将土豆、胡萝卜和洋葱切成大块,我用的是小土豆不切也没关系。切记不要切小丁,因为很可能到最后都融化了...
    Chop potatoes and carrots roughly, not too small, because it will melt... Finely slice onion.

    摩洛哥风味塔吉锅烤羊肩/Morocco Lamb tagine的做法 步骤3
  4. 将羊肩肉煎至四面焦黄,无需熟透,一为提升口味,另外可将羊肉的水分锁在内部提升口感。
    Brown the lamb in a hot pan, turn over when smoking. The purpose of this step is to add flavour and keep lamb moist when cooking later.

    摩洛哥风味塔吉锅烤羊肩/Morocco Lamb tagine的做法 步骤4
  5. 煎羊肉的同时切碎红辣椒和香菜。
    Finely chop chili and coriander.

    摩洛哥风味塔吉锅烤羊肩/Morocco Lamb tagine的做法 步骤5
  6. 将煎好的羊肉取出放在盘中备用。
    When all of the outside of lamb browned and crispy, take out of pan and rest aside.

    摩洛哥风味塔吉锅烤羊肩/Morocco Lamb tagine的做法 步骤6
  7. 锅内层用厨房纸巾擦干净刚才残留的油脂,之后放适量底油和黄油,加入洋葱、蒜、红辣椒碎和香菜碎,以及剩余的盐和胡椒,重点是加摩洛哥香料酱(Ras el hanout paste),炒至半熟上色即可。
    Wipe the pot with a damp cloth or kitchen towel to remove burnt bits and excess oil. Then add oil and butter. When butter melted add the Ras el hanout paste,the onion, garlic, coriander and chili. Fry gently, until lightly coloured brown. Season with salt and pepper.

    摩洛哥风味塔吉锅烤羊肩/Morocco Lamb tagine的做法 步骤7
  8. 加入番茄酱,锅内太干可以适量加开水或者浓汤宝化开的汤料以防干锅。
    When the mixture get dry, add hot water or stock, to keep loose.

    摩洛哥风味塔吉锅烤羊肩/Morocco Lamb tagine的做法 步骤8
  9. 加入土豆和胡萝卜,大火炒至变色。
    Add potatoes and carrots into mixture. Keep heat high  and stir to brown lightly the potatoes and carrots.

    摩洛哥风味塔吉锅烤羊肩/Morocco Lamb tagine的做法 步骤9
  10. 加入摩洛哥塔吉锅酱快速搅拌均匀。
    Add tagine sauce to the mixture and stir thoroughly.

    摩洛哥风味塔吉锅烤羊肩/Morocco Lamb tagine的做法 步骤10
  11. 加入浓汤宝和香叶,水量以没过蔬菜为宜。大火烧开。
    Add stock to cover the vegetables, and add the bayleaves. Heat up to boiling.

    摩洛哥风味塔吉锅烤羊肩/Morocco Lamb tagine的做法 步骤11
  12. 将羊肉放在蔬菜表面,带皮且脂肪多的一面朝下。
    Lay the lamb on the vegetables, skin side down.

    摩洛哥风味塔吉锅烤羊肩/Morocco Lamb tagine的做法 步骤12
  13. 烤箱预热180℃,锅加盖放进烤箱,先180℃加热40分钟,之后可以140℃加热2小时,或180℃加热1小时。小火慢炖羊肉的口感会更绵软,个人认为这才是羊肉口感的精髓。
    Cover the pot and put into preheated oven 180℃, leave for 40 mins. Then reduce temperature to 140℃ for 2 hours, or leave 180℃ for 1 hour. Cooking with lower temperature for longer will mean more tender lamb.

    摩洛哥风味塔吉锅烤羊肩/Morocco Lamb tagine的做法 步骤13
  14. 这是3小时后的成果,羊肉中的脂肪已经脱出,肉也已脱骨,用勺子或筷子就可以轻易的分离下来,土豆和胡萝卜也熟透变软,塔吉酱的味道渗到所有食材中,吃过你就会觉得花了这么久确实是值得的。
    This is what you should get. The meat should fall off the bone with a spoon, potatoes and carrots are very soft. The rendered fat from the lamb will sit at the surface of the sauce, mix the sauce to spread the oil evenly.
    Bon appetite!

    摩洛哥风味塔吉锅烤羊肩/Morocco Lamb tagine的做法 步骤14


1. 个人认为可以配米饭馒头或者饼,但原版是配着馕一起吃。
Eat with flatbread, such as naan bread.
2. 除了羊肩之外还可以用羊腿,但要适当缩短在烤箱内的时间。另,这些部位的肉和脂肪和骨头是相对混合在一起的,在烹饪的过程中,脂肪脱出的同时味道却渗到瘦肉里,口感更佳。所以不推荐使用羊排或羊蝎子等部位。
Can use leg of lamb or lamb shanks instead, when using lamb shank less cooking time is required.
3. 本食谱的量足够4-6人食用。
The quantities of ingredients will serve 4-6 people.
4. 菜谱中所用的并不是严格意义上的塔吉锅,其实是个老的铸铁锅,超级厚超级重,但是非常适合做这道菜,推荐给家里没有塔吉锅又想尝尝的亲们。
For the best result use a well-seasoned cast iron pot, this will ensure even heat when cooking.

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该菜谱发布于 2019-02-26 05:46:22
114 收藏

摩洛哥风味塔吉锅烤羊肩/Morocco Lamb tagine的答疑
