#1 Pt 1 烤箱自制gronola+smoothie. 超市买的加太多糖
#2 三文鱼用牙线系起来放烤箱➕side salad. 米兰达可儿也有这道菜 三文鱼+沙拉像超模必备一样
Breakfast:chia pudding
ideas from youtube 蘑菇切片锅中炒
Another Sanne oatmeal recipe
Sanne Meal prep| 🥦, wild rice, chicken, 🍠, spinach, &dressing
@Romee: 40 gram of oats
1 scoop chocolate vegan protein
overnight+ blueberries hempseeds almonds and flaxseeds
big spoon of peanut or almond butter
Oatmeal 👉🏻40grams of oats, half a banana 🍌 mash it 🍴in the bowl, add some hot water(u can also put some milk) boil it, keep stirring, after a minute or 2, add the banana and cook it with the oats, boil it for 6min
Topping 👉🏻goji berries, hampseeds, chia seeds, blueberries, cinnamon, peanut butter
烤红薯beets甜菜根 调料老三样add extra garlic podwer on 🍠 , 35min
硬豆腐 橄榄油和酱油soy sauce混合 放 15min, pan high heat,bake until golden brown,
Tomato 🍅 cucumber 🥒 red beans, half an avocado
Dressing: tahini芝麻酱,olive oil, salt🧂 pepper, extra lemon juice,
Topping: hempseeds
我叫它-wasabi later oatmeal 满满天然的甜
按心情:坚果(选了杏仁和核桃)未碱化可可粉 神奇种子 然后 肉桂粉加一切🥰
步骤:奶锅倒入250ml牛奶 小火冒泡泡以后倒30-50g燕麦片 香蕉捣烂放进去增加甜味 最后倒入可可粉搅拌 2 3mins左右就完成啦
为了每天的燕麦粥 特地买了法式的宽边早餐碗 开启也有碳水满足感的一天:)