西班牙美食大蒜鸡Spanish Garlic Chicken

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鸡腿chicken legs 400g
大蒜Garlic a lot
欧芹(或香菜)Coriander 50g
白葡萄酒White wine 300-400ml
橄榄油olive oil
胡椒black pepper

西班牙美食大蒜鸡Spanish Garlic Chicken的做法  

  1. 大鸡腿洗净切成大块,撒上适量的盐和黑胡椒后拌匀放一旁腌入味;Wash and cut the chicken legs into large pieces, sprinkle salt and black pepper, mix them well and put aside to marinate.

    西班牙美食大蒜鸡Spanish Garlic Chicken的做法 步骤1
  2. 香菜切碎,大蒜剥皮就好了,整颗整颗的蒜米备好。Cut the coriander, peel the garlic.

  3. 锅里倒入油,加热后倒入剥好的大蒜,慢慢炸至表面金黄后捞出,蒜油留在锅里;Pour oil into the pan, heat it and pour in the peeled garlic.Slowly fry them until golden color appears on the surface. Remove the garlic ,and leave the ‘garlic oil ‘ in the pan.

  4. 慢慢放入腌好的鸡肉,煎至两面的表皮呈金黄色;Slowly add the salted chicken pieces into the pan and fry until golden color appears on both sides of each piece.

  5. 倒入炸过的大蒜和一半香菜,与鸡肉一起翻炒一会;Pour in fried garlic and half of the coriander, and stir-fry them with chicken for a while.

  6. 倒入适量白葡萄酒,大火将酒精挥发掉,然后再次倒入白葡萄酒至没过鸡肉,盖上锅盖,煮8-10分钟 。Pour in few white wine, volatilize alcohol in high heat, then pour white wine into chicken again until the liquid covers chicken. Then cover the pot, and cook for 8-10 minutes.

  7. 尝下味道,可再适量加点盐拌匀(看个人咸淡口味!),最后倒入剩下的香菜就可以出锅啦Taste ,then add some salt and mix well . The last step——pour the other half of coriander into the pot. Enjoy it!

  8. 搭配法棍简直是绝配啦!这里我用另一个方子做了蒜香烤法棍,蘸上菜汁...emmmmmm.... It's a perfect match with a 🥖 ! Here I made a garlic-flavored roasted Baguette , and dipped it in the chicken soup... Emmmm..❤️

    西班牙美食大蒜鸡Spanish Garlic Chicken的做法 步骤8

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该菜谱发布于 2019-09-28 08:28:34
33 收藏

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