和食🍢酢の物:watercress salad

0 人做过这道菜
摘自 Pickled Plum 2019。


watercress 西洋菜 6杯
peanut butter 花生醬 3勺
honey 蜂蜜 1/2 茶匙
rice vinegar 米醋 1 茶匙
soy sauce 日式醬油 1 1/2勺
mirin 味醂 2勺

和食🍢酢の物:watercress salad的做法  

  1. Bring a medium sized pot of water (about 6 cups), salted with 1 tablespoon kosher / sea salt, to boil.

  2. Put the peanut butter, honey, rice vinegar, soy sauce, and mirin in a medium bowl. Whisk until smooth and set aside.

    和食🍢酢の物:watercress salad的做法 步骤2
  3. Rinse the watercress, drain and separate the leaves from the stems.

    和食🍢酢の物:watercress salad的做法 步骤3
  4. Roughly chop the stems and add to the boiling water along with the leaves. Cook until the stems are tender but yielding a soft crunch (about 2-3 minutes).

  5. Drain, rinse under cold water and softly squeeze out excess water. Gently pat the watercress dry with a paper towel and add to a mixing bowl. Pour the dressing over the watercress and toss until the watercress is evenly coated.

    和食🍢酢の物:watercress salad的做法 步骤5
  6. Serve.

    和食🍢酢の物:watercress salad的做法 步骤6


🔴 This Japanese watercress salad will keep for up to 4 days, refrigerated and in a storage container.

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该菜谱发布于 2020-03-05 21:52:10
14 收藏

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