四拼披萨12寸Four Bros Pizza 12inch(2hrs cooking time)

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Four bros means 4 flavors!!You can reduce some bros of course!:)))


1、制作基本披萨饼底For Making Basic Pizza Dough
高筋面粉high gluten flour 220g
细砂糖/糖粉white sugar 15g
干酵母dried yeast 3g
盐salt 2g
黄油butter 20g
鸡蛋egg 1(about 50g)
牛奶milk 100g
2、制作披萨酱涂层 For Making the Pizza Sauce Layer
番茄tomato 1 a big one
番茄酱ketchup 30g
3、制作披萨馅料 For Making the Top 这部分比较随意,可以放一种馅料,也可以放四种,不过四拼pizza会比较好看,也有更多选择性。这里肉类方面我选了鸡胸肉和萨拉米,蔬菜以口蘑和彩椒为主。
马苏里拉芝士碎Mozzarella cheese 100g
鸡胸肉chicken breast
彩椒color pepper
黑橄榄black olive

四拼披萨12寸Four Bros Pizza 12inch(2hrs cooking time)的做法  

  1. Step1
    准备好做披萨饼底的所有材料放在一起。Put all the ingredients for making the dough together.

  2. Step2
    准备好做馅料的原材料。Put all the ingredients for making the top together.

  3. Step3
    把除黄油和盐以外的饼底材料放在一起揉成面团,然后加入软化后的黄油和盐,把面团揉均匀。First put all the dough ingredients EXCEPT butter and salt, together, form a dough by hands.Then add salt and the softened butter, and knead the dough evenly.

  4. Step4
    面团发酵1小时,室温26度盖保鲜膜也可以Ferment the dough for 1 hour(can be in a machine or covered with plastic wrap at room temperature of 26 ℃).

  5. Step5
    面团发酵时准备其他材料:鸡胸肉用盐、黑胡椒、橄榄油腌制30分钟,然后煎至8分熟。口蘑切片用黄油焗好。彩椒、洋葱切丝。黑橄榄切成圆片。When the dough is during the fermented time, prepare other materials: marinate the chicken breast with salt, black pepper and olive oil for 30 minutes, then fry 8 minutes. Slice mushroom and fry with butter. Slice color peppers and onions. Cut black olives into slices.

  6. Step6
    制作披萨酱,这一步对于增加整个披萨的风味非常重要,1个大番茄去皮切小丁,将蒜、洋葱切小丁。另外拿一点黄油放在不粘锅内融化,先炒蒜末、洋葱丁,再放番茄丁,小火炒至番茄出汁。加番茄酱、黑胡椒和一点盐炒均匀。Make pizza sauce. This step is very important to increase the flavor of the whole pizza. Pick a large tomato, peel and dice. Dice the garlic and onion as well. Put a little additional butter into a non sticky pot. Stir fry the garlic and onion first, then add the tomato slices. Stir over low heat until can see the tomatoes get juicy, then put in ketchup, black pepper and a little salt.

  7. Step7
    发酵好的面团静置一会排气,然后盖上保鲜膜放置15分钟。Let the fermented dough stand for a while, then cover it with plastic wrap and let it stand for 15 mins.

  8. Step8
    Take out the dough and roll it into a round shape. Brush a little olive oil inside the pizza baking plate, and then put the round dough into the plate. Continue to spread the dough with your palm, make some part of the dough gathered on the edge of the round shape, and the edge becomes thick( the initial shape of the pizza).

  9. Step9
    用叉子在饼体上戳好小眼(防止烘烤时鼓起),盖上保鲜膜放置20分钟。Use a fork to poke  small holes in the dough (to prevent it from bulging when baking), then cover with a plastic wrap and place for 20 minutes.

    四拼披萨12寸Four Bros Pizza 12inch(2hrs cooking time)的做法 步骤9
  10. Step10
    预热烤箱180度。预热完成后把披萨烤盘放入烤箱,180度,5分钟。Preheat the oven, 180  ℃ .Then put the plate into the oven, heat 5mins.

  11. Step11
    5分钟后取出披萨饼盘,把制作好的披萨酱倒在饼坯上用勺子抹均匀。5 minutes later, take out the pizza plate, pour the pizza sauce on the dough and spread it evenly with a spoon.

  12. Step12
    烤箱预热200度。Preheat the oven ,200℃.

  13. Step13
    涂好披萨酱的饼坯上撒厚厚一层马苏里拉奶酪碎。Spread a thick layer of mashed mozzarella cheese on the sauced pizza dough.

    四拼披萨12寸Four Bros Pizza 12inch(2hrs cooking time)的做法 步骤13
  14. Step14
    在上面按4个分区摆好所有的馅料材料。Put all the prepared ingredients on the top, separate 4 flavors by black olives.:)

    四拼披萨12寸Four Bros Pizza 12inch(2hrs cooking time)的做法 步骤14
  15. Step15
    放入预热好的烤箱中层200度烤15分钟(想要饼体上一点色可以多两分钟)。Bake for 15 minutes at 200 degrees in the middle layer of the preheated oven (two minutes more if you want a little more color on the dough).

  16. Step16

    四拼披萨12寸Four Bros Pizza 12inch(2hrs cooking time)的做法 步骤16
  17. Really yummy!:)

    四拼披萨12寸Four Bros Pizza 12inch(2hrs cooking time)的做法 步骤17



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该菜谱发布于 2020-03-28 22:36:18
9 收藏

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