牛油果半熟蛋吐司 (零失败的水泡蛋)

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Have you decided on what to have for breakfast this weekend? If not, try this simple, tasty yet healthy breakfast!

Did you know? Avocados have plenty of vitamins, healthy fat, protein and minerals. Latest research also shows that avocados can help prevent chronic health conditions such as lowering blood cholesterol, etc.


牛油果 2个
鸡蛋 2个
吐司 2块
米醋 1勺
黑胡椒 适量

牛油果半熟蛋吐司 (零失败的水泡蛋)的做法  

  1. 把面包切开然后放进烤箱里低温烤3-5分钟。
    Slice bread and place into the oven for 3-5 minutes over low heat.

    牛油果半熟蛋吐司 (零失败的水泡蛋)的做法 步骤1
  2. 把牛油果成小块。
    Cut avocados into cubes.

    牛油果半熟蛋吐司 (零失败的水泡蛋)的做法 步骤2
  3. 慢火把水烧到见小泡泡然后放米醋,盐和鸡蛋。记住用小碗把鸡蛋慢慢放进水里盖锅泡一分钟然后把火关掉再焖三分钟。
    Boil a pot of water in low heat and when you start to see small bubbles add in vinegar and salt. Then use a small bowl to place the two eggs in the pot. Simmer the eggs for a minute then cover the pot and turn off the heat and let the eggs sit in the pot for another 3 minutes.

    牛油果半熟蛋吐司 (零失败的水泡蛋)的做法 步骤3
  4. 把已切的牛油果放在吐司上面,再慢慢的放上半生熟鸡蛋然后加上一点黑胡椒,那就完成了一道简单,美味又健康的早餐。
    Place cut up avocados over the toast and then slowly place the poach eggs over the avocado toast and finally garnish with some ground pepper.

    牛油果半熟蛋吐司 (零失败的水泡蛋)的做法 步骤4


1. 泡蛋时一定要慢火不能用沸腾的水。最好一看小泡泡就把盐,米醋和鸡蛋都放进去。放了以后,水一定要保持又小泡泡而不沸腾。
2. 另外,放蛋进锅一定要用小碗子才可以不让蛋一下锅就散开。

牛油果半熟蛋吐司 (零失败的水泡蛋)相关分类

该菜谱发布于 2020-04-12 00:00:08
49 收藏

牛油果半熟蛋吐司 (零失败的水泡蛋)的答疑
