Earl Grey tea Panna Cotta Chiffon Roll伯爵红茶奶冻戚风卷

0 人做过这道菜
Part 1     0:00—0:56   简单的介绍
Part 2     0:57—4:32   英文教程
Part 3     0:33—8:10   中文教程

这个学期我选修了面点工艺这门课程,我参考《面包甜点|烘焙食谱》第578页第十四章“Cake mixing and baking”中的"Angle Food Cake",然后在此基础上做了一些创新。我做的是伯爵红茶奶冻戚风卷。

天使蛋糕因其质地和外观轻盈飘逸,足以 "吸引天使 "而得名,其特点是使用打散的蛋白,在没有蛋黄、脂肪或泡打粉的情况下,使其体积轻盈。
Named for its texture and appearance that is light and floaty enough to "attract angels," angel food cake features the use of whipped egg whites in the The absence of egg yolks, fat or baking powder makes it light in volume.
Chiffon cake is made by separating the whites and yolks of the eggs, first mixing the yolks with flour to form a paste, then whisking the whites separately, and then Blended.



Milk| 牛奶 220g
Sugar| 细砂糖 20g
Light cream|淡奶油 90g
Earl Grey Tea|伯爵红茶茶包 4packs
Gyridine tablets|吉利丁片 10g(2 pieces)
Egg| 鸡蛋 4
Low-gluten flour|低筋面粉 66g
Milk|牛奶 55g
Sugar|细砂糖 66g
Corn oil|玉米油 55g
Animal cream|动物奶油 300g
Sugar|细砂糖 20g

Earl Grey tea Panna Cotta Chiffon Roll伯爵红茶奶冻戚风卷的做法  

  1. 准备制作奶冻的材料
    Prepare the ingredients for the Earl Grey tea Panna Cotta.

    Earl Grey tea Panna Cotta Chiffon Roll伯爵红茶奶冻戚风卷的做法 步骤1
  2. 准备一盆凉水,将吉利丁片剪成小块放入水中泡软
    Prepare a basin of cold water and cut the Gillette slices into small pieces and soften them in the water.

    Earl Grey tea Panna Cotta Chiffon Roll伯爵红茶奶冻戚风卷的做法 步骤2
  3. 将准备好的牛奶倒入小锅中,再将细砂糖、淡奶油、伯爵红茶茶包一起倒入小锅中。用小火煮,边煮边搅拌,煮到边沿有小气泡的时候用刮刀按压茶包,让茶味更好的与牛奶混合在一起。煮到液体颜色慢慢变成茶色就可以关火了。
    Pour the milk into a small saucepan, along with the  sugar, light cream, and  tea bags. Cook over low heat, stirring as you cook, until small bubbles form around the edges. Cook until the liquid slowly turns a teal color and then you can turn off the heat.

    Earl Grey tea Panna Cotta Chiffon Roll伯爵红茶奶冻戚风卷的做法 步骤3
  4. 等待15分钟左右,将吉利丁片拿出,用吸水纸吸去多余的水分,接着放入小锅中混合
    Wait about 15 minutes, take out the Gillette slices and absorb the excess water with absorbent paper, then mix in a small saucepan.

    Earl Grey tea Panna Cotta Chiffon Roll伯爵红茶奶冻戚风卷的做法 步骤4
  5. 用过滤网过滤掉茶渣以及吉利丁片的杂质
    Use a strainer to strain out the dregs of the tea as well as the impurities from the gilted tablets.

    Earl Grey tea Panna Cotta Chiffon Roll伯爵红茶奶冻戚风卷的做法 步骤5
  6. 将过滤好的伯爵红茶奶液倒入模具中。然后放置冷冻层冷冻4小时
    Pour the filtered liquid into the grinder. Then place in the freezer for 4 hours.

    Earl Grey tea Panna Cotta Chiffon Roll伯爵红茶奶冻戚风卷的做法 步骤6
  7. 准备好制作蛋糕片所需要的材料
    Prepare the ingredients needed to make the cake slices.

    Earl Grey tea Panna Cotta Chiffon Roll伯爵红茶奶冻戚风卷的做法 步骤7
  8. 将蛋黄和蛋清分离
    Separate the egg yolks from the egg whites.

    Earl Grey tea Panna Cotta Chiffon Roll伯爵红茶奶冻戚风卷的做法 步骤8
  9. 将1/3(22克)的细砂糖倒入分离好的蛋黄,用手动打蛋器搅拌,再倒入玉米油搅拌均匀
    Pour 1/3of the sugar into the separated egg yolks and mix with a hand mixer, then pour in the corn oil and mix well.

    Earl Grey tea Panna Cotta Chiffon Roll伯爵红茶奶冻戚风卷的做法 步骤9
  10. 将低筋面粉过筛加入到蛋黄中,搅拌成蛋黄糊
    Sift the low gluten flour into the egg yolks and stir into the paste.

    Earl Grey tea Panna Cotta Chiffon Roll伯爵红茶奶冻戚风卷的做法 步骤10
  11. 将剩下的糖倒入蛋白中,用电动打蛋器高速匀打蛋清,打发至蛋清纹理硬挺并出现小尖尖
    Pour the remaining sugar into the egg whites and beat with an electric mixer on high speed until stiff and pointy.

    Earl Grey tea Panna Cotta Chiffon Roll伯爵红茶奶冻戚风卷的做法 步骤11
  12. 取1/3打发好的蛋白加入到蛋黄糊中,用蛋抽画半圆的手法混合好蛋糕糊
    Add 1/3 of the whipped egg whites to the egg yolk batter and mix the cake batter by drawing half circles with the egg whisk.

    Earl Grey tea Panna Cotta Chiffon Roll伯爵红茶奶冻戚风卷的做法 步骤12
  13. 将混合好的蛋糕糊倒入剩余的蛋白内,同样手法混合均匀,最后借助刮刀将没有拌匀的蛋糕糊翻搅几下至蛋糕糊细腻无明显气泡
    Pour the cake batter into the remaining egg whites and mix well using the same technique.

    Earl Grey tea Panna Cotta Chiffon Roll伯爵红茶奶冻戚风卷的做法 步骤13
  14. 方形烤盘内抹上一层薄薄的玉米油,放高快速倒入蛋糕糊。用刮刀将蛋糕糊铺平。轻震烤盘去除气泡
    Grease a square baking dish with a thin layer of corn oil, place on high and quickly pour in the cake batter. Use a spatula to spread the batter. Gently shake baking pan to remove air bubbles.

    Earl Grey tea Panna Cotta Chiffon Roll伯爵红茶奶冻戚风卷的做法 步骤14
  15. 将烤盘放入预热好的烤箱中,设置160度20分钟
    Place the baking sheet in the preheated oven and set at 160 degrees for 20 minutes.

    Earl Grey tea Panna Cotta Chiffon Roll伯爵红茶奶冻戚风卷的做法 步骤15
  16. 将奶冻取出切成条状
    Take the custard out and cut it into strips.

    Earl Grey tea Panna Cotta Chiffon Roll伯爵红茶奶冻戚风卷的做法 步骤16
  17. 将300克的奶油和20克的糖倒入容器中打发
    Pour 300g of cream and 20g of sugar into a whipped container.

    Earl Grey tea Panna Cotta Chiffon Roll伯爵红茶奶冻戚风卷的做法 步骤17
  18. 将蛋糕片翻面,把奶油均匀涂抹在蛋糕片上。在蛋糕片的1/3处堆多一些的奶油(类似一个小山丘),这样方便卷起来
    Turn the cake slice over and spread the cream evenly over the slice. Pile more scream on 1/3 of the cake slice (resembling a small hill) to make it easier to roll up.

    Earl Grey tea Panna Cotta Chiffon Roll伯爵红茶奶冻戚风卷的做法 步骤18
  19. 将切好的奶冻条放置蛋糕片的小山丘处
    Place the cut frosting strips in the hills of the cake slices.

    Earl Grey tea Panna Cotta Chiffon Roll伯爵红茶奶冻戚风卷的做法 步骤19
  20. 借助擀面杖,将蛋糕片卷起。用手辅助按压蛋糕片,使蛋糕片包裹着奶油更加紧实
    With the aid of a rolling pin, roll up the cake sheet. Press the cake sheet with the aid of your hands to make the cake sheet more tightly coated with the cream.

    Earl Grey tea Panna Cotta Chiffon Roll伯爵红茶奶冻戚风卷的做法 步骤20
  21. 将制作好的蛋糕卷切片,用奶油和水果摆盘装饰,这样就完成啦!
    Slice the finished rolls, decorate with cream and fruit, and It's done!

    Earl Grey tea Panna Cotta Chiffon Roll伯爵红茶奶冻戚风卷的做法 步骤21
  22. 嘿嘿!合照在这里!

    Earl Grey tea Panna Cotta Chiffon Roll伯爵红茶奶冻戚风卷的做法 步骤22



1.Gillette slices should not be placed in a very hot liquid, because the high temperature will destroy the structure of the Gillette slices and make it lose its coagulation power.
2.Oven preheating can be started after preparing the ingredients for making the cake slices, preheating temperature is 160 degrees. This will save some time.
3.In the process of making the egg yolk batter and mixing the egg yolk batter and egg white, the mixing should be in Z-shape. Remember not to mix in a circular motion. Defoaming (reduced volume)

REFERENCE: Page 578 (Ch 14: Cake mixing and baking) of Textbook 113 Advanced Bread and Pastry.
参考《113 面包甜点|烘焙食谱》578页,第十四章蛋糕的混合与烘培。

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该菜谱发布于 2020-06-16 18:56:35
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