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Use any combination of vegetables for tempura, including lotus root, broccoli, kabocha squash, pumpkin, eggplant, sweet potato, shiitake and any other mushrooms, carrot, zucchini, okra, broccoli, peppers, and asparagus—the list is as long as the vegetables available at your market. You can also use tender leaves like shiso, a delicacy in Japan. With leaves, batter only one side and fry quickly for about 30 seconds.


egg yolks 鸡蛋黄 2个
cold water 凉水 2 cups 480ml
ice cubes 冰块 ¼ cup
cake flour 低筋面粉 2 cups 240克
Shrimp,vegetables, sliced on an angle into bite-size pieces 各种蔬菜 / 虾 1 pound 450克 / 虾 8只
cake flour 低筋面粉 ½ cup 60克
vegetable oil 菜油 2 quarts 1.9升
toasted sesame oil 芝麻油 ¼ cup 60ml
Tempura dipping sauce 传统酱汁
dashi 高汤 1 cup 240ml
soy sauce 酱油 ¼ cup 60ml
mirin 味醂 ¼ cup 60ml
daikon peeled thickly 白萝卜去皮 8 ounces
ginger 姜片 ½-inch


  1. Use a handful of chopsticks to mix the yolks and water 蛋黄和水搅拌均匀

    日料蔬菜虾天妇罗天婦羅VEGETABLE SHRIMP TEMPURA的做法 步骤1
  2. Add ice cubes to the egg mixture 加入冰块

    日料蔬菜虾天妇罗天婦羅VEGETABLE SHRIMP TEMPURA的做法 步骤2
  3. Add the flour 加入面粉

    日料蔬菜虾天妇罗天婦羅VEGETABLE SHRIMP TEMPURA的做法 步骤3
  4. Stab at the batter to combine until it has the consistency of heavy cream—don’t overmix!       搅拌至面糊状即可,不要搅拌过度

    日料蔬菜虾天妇罗天婦羅VEGETABLE SHRIMP TEMPURA的做法 步骤4
  5. prepare a tempura cooking station, beside your burner, arrange the vegetables, a plate with the cake flour, and the wet and dry parts of the batter. Also, ready a tray lined with paper towels or newspaper to absorb the excess oil from the cooked vegetables, and the tools you’ll need: chopsticks, a metal strainer, and a candy thermometer, if you have one. Place a cooking vessel on the burner; use one with a uniform size to heat oil evenly, like a large cast-iron skillet or Dutch oven (don’t use a wok). Add the vegetable oil and sesame oil.

  6. Add a touch of sesame oil to the pan.  Be careful not to overfill the skillet, which will lower the cooking temperature; use, at most, half of the surface area of the oil to cook.          While the oil is heating, prepare the tempura batter. Heat the oil to 360°F ( 180 度 )over high heat. Use a candy thermometer or follow the old-school method to judge the temperature. If the oil is too hot, the tempura will burn; if too low, the tempura will come out soggy and greasy.

    日料蔬菜虾天妇罗天婦羅VEGETABLE SHRIMP TEMPURA的做法 步骤6
  7. Lightly dredge the vegetables / shrimp in flour 裹上干面粉

    日料蔬菜虾天妇罗天婦羅VEGETABLE SHRIMP TEMPURA的做法 步骤7
  8. Dip into the batter just before frying  裹入面糊

    日料蔬菜虾天妇罗天婦羅VEGETABLE SHRIMP TEMPURA的做法 步骤8
  9. Fry the tempura. Immediately lay the vegetables in the hot oil. 立即放入油锅 180度油温

    日料蔬菜虾天妇罗天婦羅VEGETABLE SHRIMP TEMPURA的做法 步骤9
  10. Working in batches, deep-fry the harder vegetables like sweet potato, carrot, or lotus root first, for about 3 minutes, until the vegetables turn golden brown. Place on the prepared tray Repeat with the other vegetables. Cook softer vegetables like asparagus, broccoli, and pumpkin for about 2 minutes. For shiso leaves, dredge only one side of the leaf with flour, and cook for about 1 minute.

    日料蔬菜虾天妇罗天婦羅VEGETABLE SHRIMP TEMPURA的做法 步骤10
  11. Serve the vegetable tempura with the dipping sauce on the side.

    日料蔬菜虾天妇罗天婦羅VEGETABLE SHRIMP TEMPURA的做法 步骤11
  12. 炸虾🍤一样的步骤,提前准备🦐Cook for about 3 minutes, until the shrimp turn golden brown, and the bubbles around the shrimp have grown larger and are bubbling less intensely and not as loudly as when the shrimp was first added to the oil.

    日料蔬菜虾天妇罗天婦羅VEGETABLE SHRIMP TEMPURA的做法 步骤12
  13. Peel the shrimp

    日料蔬菜虾天妇罗天婦羅VEGETABLE SHRIMP TEMPURA的做法 步骤13
  14. Make a shallow cut along the back and devein the shrimp

    日料蔬菜虾天妇罗天婦羅VEGETABLE SHRIMP TEMPURA的做法 步骤14
  15. Cut notches into the back of the shrimp

    日料蔬菜虾天妇罗天婦羅VEGETABLE SHRIMP TEMPURA的做法 步骤15
  16. Flatten the shrimp with your fingers

    日料蔬菜虾天妇罗天婦羅VEGETABLE SHRIMP TEMPURA的做法 步骤16
  17. the classic dipping sauce that accompanies tempura.     Combine the dashi, soy sauce, and mirin in a small saucepan. Place over medium heat. As soon as the dipping sauce comes to a boil, turn off the heat. When you’re ready to serve, reheat over low heat. Grate the daikon on the coarsest side of a box grater. Squeeze out excess liquid and set aside. Grate the ginger finely. Serve the grated daikon and ginger on the side of the dipping sauce. When you’re ready to eat, add the daikon and ginger to the dipping sauce and dip the tempura into it.

    日料蔬菜虾天妇罗天婦羅VEGETABLE SHRIMP TEMPURA的做法 步骤17


1. The batter is the most critical step to tempura—prepare it just before deep-frying. 2. Oil temperature is key—it has to be exactly right or the tempura will come out soggy or burned. 3. Be systematic about making tempura—set up your fry station ahead of time so you can work quickly and efficiently.
4. Oil temperature is so important to this cooking that we urge you to buy a good-quality deep-fry (or “candy”) thermometer and use it when frying.

Tempura batter seems simple enough—just flour, egg yolks, and water. But how these humble elements transform into that amazing airy, crispy crust is nothing short of miraculous. The key is controlling the glutens in the flour. Glutens are created by the flour’s proteins; they’re what give dough elasticity and bread its chewiness. With tempura, the goal is to minimize gluten formation. That’s why we use cake flour, with the lowest amount of protein of any flour. And that’s why we barely mix the batter with the clunky bunch o’ chopsticks, so the glutens in the flour don’t become activated. Furthermore, that’s why we mix the dry and wet parts of the batter at the last minute, so the glutens don’t have time to relax. So tempura batter never has a chance to get bready and stretchy. Also, because we mix the batter in the last minute, the flour particles don’t have time to absorb much moisture, so when a battered ingredient hits the hot oil, that small amount of moisture quickly evaporates, further increasing the tempura’s crispiness. The batter is kept cold with the ice cubes to make it more viscous, which helps it adhere to foods (dredging in flour helps with this, too). The lumpy, uneven consistency of the batter, with its gobs of unmixed flour, helps create tempura’s signature lacy crust. Finally, that crispy batter creates a barrier between ingredients and the oil they’re frying in, which is why tempura done right doesn’t taste greasy and retains natural flavors and textures so magnificently.


该菜谱发布于 2020-07-01 04:58:43
106 收藏


  • 南笙唐烟_up6n  2021-03-12  
    作者回复 2021-03-13  
