
0 人做过这道菜


鸡蛋 两个
无糖酸奶 115克
香蕉 两根(200克)
枫糖浆 90 ml
香草精 2 tsp
燕麦片 60克
肉桂粉 1 tsp
泡打粉 1 tsp
苏打 1 tsp
全麦面粉 150 克
蓝莓 140 克
黑巧克力 80克


  1. Preheat your oven to 350ºF (176ºC) and prepare a muffin pan by lining the cavities with parchment liners or spraying them with cooking spray. Set aside.
    In a large mixing bowl, lightly beat the eggs until the yolks break apart. Whisk in the yogurt, bananas, maple syrup, and vanilla, mixing until smooth.
    Stir in the oats, cinnamon, baking powder, and baking soda, mixing until well combined before gently mixing in the flour. Finally, fold in the blueberries and chocolate chunks, reserving some to sprinkle on top.
    Divide the batter evenly among the 12 muffin cups, filling almost to the top. and sprinkle with remaining chocolate chunks and/or blueberries.

    Bake for 21-23 minutes

    You could also make this with all purpose flour or use a mix of 1/2 cup (60 g) whole wheat and 1/2 cup (60 g) all purpose. ** If using frozen berries, toss them in 1 Tbsp (7.5 g) of flour to prevent them from bleeding or sinking to the bottom of the muffins.



该菜谱发布于 2020-08-27 22:10:18
2 收藏



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