桃桃大福🍑 (Peach Daifuku)

0 人做过这道菜
Summer is scorching, Peach Daifuku is coming ~

This recipe is completely low in fat and oil!

The combination of yam puree replaced heavy cream and slow fire + sweet and sour peach sauce forms a magical collision between taste buds, which is really not greasy at all.

After trying, remember sharing! If you don't understand anything or have any questions, you are welcome to ask in the comments section. Hope you enjoy this peach daifuku.






6个大福用量(6 Daifuku)
大福皮(Daifuku skin)
糯米粉(Glutinous rice flour) 60克(60 grams)
玉米淀粉(Cornstarch) 20克(20 grams)
红曲粉(Red Kojic rice powder) 0.5克(0.5 grams)
脱脂牛奶(Skimmed milk) 120克(120 grams)
代糖(Stevia sugar) 20克(20 grams)
黄油(Butter) 10克(10 grams)
蜜桃馅(Peach filling)
代糖(Stevia sugar) 30克(30 grams)
水蜜桃(Peach) 130克(130 grams)
柠檬汁(Lemon juice) 5克(5 grams)
山药泥(Yam puree)
脱脂牛奶(Skimmed milk) 70克(70 grams)
山药(Yam) 100克(100 grams)
熟糯米粉(Cooked glutinous rice flour)
糯米粉(Glutinous rice flour) 5克(5 grams)

桃桃大福🍑 (Peach Daifuku)的做法  

  1. 准备所需的工具。Prepare all the tools.

    1. 蒸锅(Food steamer)
    2. 不锈钢盆(Stainless steel Basin)
    3. 电动打蛋器(Electric beater)
    4. 手动打蛋器(Hand beater)
    5. 电子秤(Electronic scale)
    6. 一次性手套(Disposable gloves)
    7. 奶锅/不粘锅的锅(A milk pan/non-stick pan)

  2. 准备好所有的食材,并按照材料表中所需要的克数来准备相对应的食材。
    Prepare all the ingredients and prepare the corresponding ingredients according to the number of grams required in the ingredients list.

    桃桃大福🍑 (Peach Daifuku)的做法 步骤2
  3. 在一个平底锅中加入130克水蜜桃和1/2的5克柠檬汁。建议:水蜜桃最好削皮,以免影响口感。
    Add 130g of peach and 1/2 g of lemon juice in the pan. Suggestion: Peach had better peel, because it will affect taste.

    桃桃大福🍑 (Peach Daifuku)的做法 步骤3
  4. 加入称好的30克零卡代糖,开小火慢慢熬制,熬制的过程很漫长,大概需要25-30分钟。等到锅中水分收干,锅中的桃子变得很软很浓稠,颜色也变得有一点焦黄色,就可以关火了哦~⚠️注意!!过程中需要用锅铲或是勺子将桃子来回搅拌,以免烧焦。
    Add 30 grams of stevia and bring to a low heat. It will take a long time to cook. It takes about 25-30 minutes. Wait until the water in the pot dried, the peaches in the pot become very soft and the color of it has become a little brown, and then you can take off the fire. Attention!!!!! Stir the peaches back and forth with a spatula or spoon to keep them from burning.

    桃桃大福🍑 (Peach Daifuku)的做法 步骤4
  5. 关火之后,将蜜桃酱装进一个小碗中,加入剩下的1/2柠檬汁,并搅拌均匀,放凉备用。
    Remove from the heat and transfer the peach sauce to a small bowl. Add the remaining 1/2 lemon juice and stir well. Set aside.

    桃桃大福🍑 (Peach Daifuku)的做法 步骤5
  6. 在一个无水无油不锈钢盆中加入120克脱脂牛奶和20克零卡代糖搅拌均匀。
    Combine 120 grams of skim milk and 20 grams of stevia in an anhydrous, oil-free stainless steel bowl.

    桃桃大福🍑 (Peach Daifuku)的做法 步骤6
  7. 加入称好的60克糯米粉和20克玉米淀粉,与牛奶搅拌均匀。手法没有特殊要求。玉米淀粉可以使大福外皮不会那么的粘,口感也会好一点。糯米粉和玉米淀粉的比例要3:1。建议:在搅拌均匀之后最好还是用滤网过滤一遍,以免有块状的糯米粉。
    Add 60g glutinous rice flour and 20g cornstarch and mix well with milk. There are no special requirements for technique. Cornstarch keeps the crust less sticky and tastes better. The ratio of glutinous rice flour to corn starch is 3:1. Suggestion: after stirring evenly, it is better to filter with a strainer to avoid lumpy glutinous rice flour.

    桃桃大福🍑 (Peach Daifuku)的做法 步骤7
  8. 将搅拌好的大福外皮糊倒入一个无水无油的盆或碟中。⚠️新手注意啦!!!如果家里没有那种专用于蒸东西的保鲜膜,千万别用保鲜膜将碟封好扎洞,不然在蒸的过程中,保鲜膜就化在外皮糊里了,整个面糊也就需要再重新做一遍了。血的教训啊…….亲测:不包保鲜膜也是完全不会影响外皮的口感的。

    Pour the mixture into a waterless, oil-free dish. Novice attention!! If you don't have plastic wrap for steaming, don't use it to seal the dish and make holes in it, or it will melt into the batter during steaming and the batter will need to be redone. A painful lesson... . No plastic wrap will not affect the taste of skin .

    桃桃大福🍑 (Peach Daifuku)的做法 步骤8
  9. 大火隔水蒸大概35-40分钟🕰,看到中间没有白心就可以了。隔水蒸一定要注意锅中的水,很容易就需要在锅中加水,以免水干了。
    Steam it through water for about 35-40 minutes. See that there is no white in the middle. You must pay attention to the water in the pot. You need to add water to the pot when the water in the pot is dry.

    桃桃大福🍑 (Peach Daifuku)的做法 步骤9
  10. 蒸熟取出后,乘热将称好的0.5克红曲粉加入到面团中,均匀搅拌。建议最好还是不要直接戴手套揉,真的很烫🔥!!!最好借助工具,像筷子🥢、勺子🥄之类的都是可以的。
    After steaming, add 0.5g red koji powder to the dough and stir well. It’s better not wear gloves to knead directly, because it’s really hot!! It's best to use equipments, such as chopsticks or spoons.

    桃桃大福🍑 (Peach Daifuku)的做法 步骤10
  11. 之前借助工具搅拌面团使它降了点温,这时需要戴上一次性手套🧤,将称好的10克黄油揉进面团中。当面团将黄油全部都吸收了之后,就可以了。黄油可以使面团不会很粘。所以黄油算是做大福必不可少的原料。
    Using a tool to bring the temperature of dough down a little, use disposable gloves and knead the 10 grams of butter into the dough. When the dough has absorbed all the butter, it's ready. The butter will keep the dough from sticking. So butter is an essential ingredient for making Daifuku.

    桃桃大福🍑 (Peach Daifuku)的做法 步骤11
  12. 将揉好了的面团放入另外一个干净的碟中,用保鲜膜封好。新手注意啦!!!保鲜膜一定要贴着面团表面的哦~要不然很容易有水汽。放入冰箱冷藏1个小时以上。
    Place the dough in another clean dish and seal with plastic wrap. Novice Attention!! Make sure the plastic wrap sticks to the surface of the dough otherwise it will easily water steam on it. Refrigerate for at least 1 hour.

    桃桃大福🍑 (Peach Daifuku)的做法 步骤12
  13. 将称好的100克山药大火隔水蒸大概40分钟。建议:一定要把山药切的很小很小,在后期做山药泥的时候会比较好搅拌。
    Steam the 100g yam over water for about 40 minutes. Suggestion: be sure to cut the yam very small, in the later stage the yam mud will be better stirring.

    桃桃大福🍑 (Peach Daifuku)的做法 步骤13
  14. 将蒸熟了的山药倒入一个无水无油的不锈钢盆中,再加入称好的100克脱脂牛奶。加入牛奶可以使山药泥的口感更加的顺滑。
    Pour the steamed yam into a stainless steel basin without water or oil. Add 100g skimmed milk. Add milk to make the yam puree taste smoother.

    桃桃大福🍑 (Peach Daifuku)的做法 步骤14
  15. 用电动打蛋器将山药打成山药泥,打的过程会比较漫长,打的时间越久,山药泥的口感就会更加的细腻。
    Beat the yam into the yam puree with an electric beater, the beating process will be long, but the longer beating time, the more delicate the taste of yam puree.

    桃桃大福🍑 (Peach Daifuku)的做法 步骤15
  16. 当看到山药泥中没有任何的山药块和山药泥的顶部有一个小啾啾时,美味的山药泥就打好了哦~
    When you see that there are no lumps in the yam and there is a small sharp Angle on the top of the yam, the delicious yam puree is ready

    桃桃大福🍑 (Peach Daifuku)的做法 步骤16
  17. 将称好的5克糯米粉倒入一个不粘锅的锅中,并用锅铲不停地翻炒,翻炒一定要均匀和频繁,不然很容易出现有一块的粉熟了,有一块的没熟。注意:一定要用小火,以免火太大,粉就会糊了。当看到粉的颜色渐渐变得有些微微发黄,锅中开始微微冒烟时,糯米粉就熟了。将熟了的糯米粉乘起放凉,备用。
    5 grams of glutinous rice flour into a non-stick pot in the pot, and keep stir-frying with a spatula, stir-frying must be uniform and frequent, otherwise it is easy to have a cooked powder and a undercooked powder. Note: Make sure to use a low heat, the powder will burn if the fire get too hot. The glutinous rice flour is ready when the color of the flour becomes slightly yellow and the pot begins to smoke slightly. Spread the cooked glutinous rice flour and let cool. Set aside.

    桃桃大福🍑 (Peach Daifuku)的做法 步骤17
  18. 组装喽!!!将所有需要用到的材料都准备好了之后,就可以开始包大福了哦~
    Assemble it!! Once you have all the materials you need, you can begin to assemble.

    桃桃大福🍑 (Peach Daifuku)的做法 步骤18
  19. 将冷藏好了的面团分别分成6个小圆球,先将一个小圆球用手捏成饼状。新手注意啦!!!面皮最好要厚一点,以免在包馅之后裂开了。在揉的过程中最好要加一点熟糯米粉,不然面团太粘,根本揉不了,全都粘在手上了。
    Divide the refrigerated dough into 6 small balls and knead one into a pie shape. Novice attention!! It's best to have a thick crust so that it doesn't crack after filling. You'd better add some cooked glutinous rice flour to the kneading process, otherwise the dough is too sticky and will stick to your hands.

    桃桃大福🍑 (Peach Daifuku)的做法 步骤19
  20. 包馅喽!!!先抹一层山药泥,在山药泥上面在加蜜桃酱。如果想口感更丰富一点,可以在蜜桃酱上再抹一层山药泥哦~不过新手小白不推荐这么做,因为馅多很容易让面皮爆开。
    The stuffing!! First smear a layer of yam puree. Top the yam paste with peach paste. For a bit more variety of taste, add a layer of yam puree to the peach sauce, but beginners recommend not doing this because the filling can easily pop the skin.

    桃桃大福🍑 (Peach Daifuku)的做法 步骤20
  21. 加完馅之后,将面皮包以来即可!!!要揉圆了,不然桃子的形状不好看。
    After you add the filling, wrap the dough around it!! Make it round, or the peach won't look good.

  22. 包完全部的大福后,放入冰箱冷藏大概30分钟定型,拿出后再用刀背或是筷子按压出桃子上的桃印就可以了哦~注意注意:按压的时候不用太用力,小心将桃子切成两半了!
    After the complete part of the Daifuku, put it in the refrigerator for about 30 minutes to set. After taking it out, use the knife back or chopsticks to press out the peach marks on the peach.

  23. 上成品喽!!!
    Finally, there is the final product!!

    桃桃大福🍑 (Peach Daifuku)的做法 步骤23
  24. 这款颜值超高的桃桃大福总热量是493千卡,一共包含了有6个大福,平均下来一个大福的热量只有82千卡哦~与一般的大福热量相比已经算是非常低的了!一口下去超满足,完全没有增胖的烦恼和罪恶感!
    The total calorie of this peach Daifuku is 493 calories, contained altogether has 6 Daifuku, so the average calorie of a daifuku is 82 calories. Compared with a normal daifuku’s calorie is already very low! Do not gain the trouble of fat and guilty feeling completely after eating it!

    桃桃大福🍑 (Peach Daifuku)的做法 步骤24
  25. 这款桃桃大福对患有糖尿病的人也是非常友好的,吃一到两个是完全没有问题的。在选择原材料的时候会相对需要注意一下,可以选择将脱脂奶换成全脂牛奶,经过对比多款牛奶中的成分,发现在全脂奶里面含有的3.4g/ml的碳水化合物,这比其他的奶中含有的大概少1.4g/.ml。虽然水蜜桃是diabetics-friendly的水果,但是它所含有的糖分也是不容轻视的,所以在品尝的时候还是需要克制,不能贪嘴哦~平时解解嘴馋还是没有问题的!
    The Peach Daifuku is also very friendly to people with diabetes and has no problem eating one or two. When choosing ingredients, attention should be paid to it. You can choose to change skimmed milk into whole milk. After comparing the ingredients of many kinds of milk, it was found that the whole milk contained 3.4g/ml carbohydrates, which was about 1.4g/.ml less than other kinds of milk. Although peach is the fruit of Diabetics -friendly, the sugar contained in it is not to be despised. Therefore, it is still necessary to exercise restraint and not to be greedy when tasting.


1. 材料表中的克数并不是硬性的,材料的克数出现1-2克的偏差是完全没有问题的。

The number of grams in the recipe table does not have a rigid requirement, and there is no problem with a deviation of one or two grams.

2. 如果需要做6个大福以上,原材料按照比例增加即可,不过糯米粉和玉米淀粉的比例必须是3:1,不然大福的外皮会不好吃的。

If more than 6 Daifuku are needed, the ingredients should be increased in proportion, but the ratio of glutinous rice flour to corn starch must be 3:1, otherwise, the skin of Daifuku will not taste good.

3. 配料表中的红曲粉用量是可以调整的哦~根据自己喜欢的粉色程度进行相对应的增加克数或者是减少克数。个人觉得加0.5克的红曲粉是最接近桃子粉粉的颜色!

The amount of Red Kojic rice powder in the ingredient list can be adjusted. According to the degree of pink color, you like, you can increase or decrease the number of grams. Personally, I think adding 0.5 grams of Red Kojic rice powder is the closest color to peach!

4. 熬制蜜桃酱的时候一定一定要小火+用抹刀或是勺子来回搅拌,不然蜜桃酱很容易烧焦的。

When boiling the peach sauce must be a small fire + stir the peaches back and forth with a spatula or spoon to keep them from burning.

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该菜谱发布于 2020-10-25 10:55:43
78 收藏

桃桃大福🍑 (Peach Daifuku)的答疑
