Dominika’s Bakery - Gingerbread (Domi烘焙 - 姜饼)

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低筋面粉 250克
蜂蜜 50毫升
糖霜 75克
姜饼预拌粉 1tsp
泡打粉 1tsp
鸡蛋 1个
黄油 75克

Dominika’s Bakery - Gingerbread (Domi烘焙 - 姜饼)的做法  

  1. 准备好所需材料;

    Dominika’s Bakery - Gingerbread (Domi烘焙 - 姜饼)的做法 步骤1
  2. 在适合的容器中混合低筋粉、泡打粉、姜饼预拌粉;
    Mix the flour with the baking powder and gingerbread spice mix.

    Dominika’s Bakery - Gingerbread (Domi烘焙 - 姜饼)的做法 步骤2
  3. 向1中粉状混合物中加入室温软化好的黄油,并加入其他原料(最好最后加入蜂蜜),用刮刀拌匀;
    Add the butter, knead them add all of the remaining ingredients. You'll add the honey last.

    Dominika’s Bakery - Gingerbread (Domi烘焙 - 姜饼)的做法 步骤3
  4. 将2中混合物揉成光滑面团(手揉即可),用保鲜膜包裹面团,放入冰箱冷藏30分钟(冷藏久一点儿也可以);
    Knead the dough until you get it smooth. Put it into the fridge for 30 mins at least.

    Dominika’s Bakery - Gingerbread (Domi烘焙 - 姜饼)的做法 步骤4
  5. 烤箱160°预热(根据自家烤箱脾气做适当调节);
    Preheat the oven to 160 degrees.

  6. 将冷藏过的面团取出,擀成3-4毫米片状,用喜欢的模具做出饼干形状(可以考虑圣诞主题的,姜饼还是蛮有节日氛围的);
    Stretch the dough (3-4 mm) and cut the biscuits.

    Dominika’s Bakery - Gingerbread (Domi烘焙 - 姜饼)的做法 步骤6
  7. 【可选】如果想得到更闪亮的效果,可以在饼干表面刷一层蛋清;
    If you want shiny biscuits, smear the top with egg whites.

    Dominika’s Bakery - Gingerbread (Domi烘焙 - 姜饼)的做法 步骤7
  8. 在烤盘上铺好烘焙用纸,将饼干逐个放入,记得预留空隙;
    Put them onto a baking paper - covered baking pan.

    Dominika’s Bakery - Gingerbread (Domi烘焙 - 姜饼)的做法 步骤8
  9. 将烤盘放入烤箱(我放在了中层位置),烘烤8分钟左右(根据自家烤箱脾气做适当调节,饼干表面金黄即可)。
    Bake them for 8 mins.

    Dominika’s Bakery - Gingerbread (Domi烘焙 - 姜饼)的做法 步骤9
  10. 晾凉,开始享用吧……

    Dominika’s Bakery - Gingerbread (Domi烘焙 - 姜饼)的做法 步骤10



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该菜谱发布于 2020-12-18 01:19:51
2 收藏

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