Amy's Dream Train Station Sandwich

0 人做过这道菜
When Amy was in her early twenties, she flew to Italy with her sister Kim. Soon after their arrival they found themselves in a train station in Milan. They ate a sandwich that day that changed the course of their lives. A sandwich that led Amy to her future husband Chris, who is also a chef. And now here they are, with their own cooking show, making sandwiches together. ...

6 to 8 servings


soft bulky rolls, split (amount depends on appetites) 6-8
prosciutto, thinly sliced 1 pound
small wheels Brie cheese 2

Amy's Dream Train Station Sandwich的做法  

  1. Lay out the rolls on the counter. Evenly distribute the prosciutto among the rolls. Cut the Brie into 1/4-inch slivers, then place them on top of the prosciutto. Place the top of the rolls on the Brie and prosciutto, slice each roll in half and serve. Best enjoyed with severe jet lag while traveling in a foreign city for the first time or really any other time.


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该菜谱发布于 2021-04-16 04:14:52
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