纯素提拉米苏 vegan tiramisu

1 人做过这道菜
配饭大概1-2人份, for one serve or shared by 2


焦糖咖啡饼干 biscoff 1小包装 17pieces
冷萃咖啡 cold brew 浸泡饼干用 for dipping cookies
新鲜豆腐 firm tofu 1块block
香草精 1勺tsp
枫糖浆 3勺 tsp
洋车前子壳粉 psyllium husk 3g
可可粉 cacao powder 装饰 for topping

纯素提拉米苏 vegan tiramisu的做法  

  1. 用新鲜的豆腐,会比嫩豆腐硬一点点的那种,切去边边比较硬的部分。这部分又来做奶油。using fresh made tofu which is slightly firmer than regular soft tofu. Cutting off the harden bits for a smooth texture. We will be using this as our cream.

    纯素提拉米苏 vegan tiramisu的做法 步骤1
  2. 破壁机放入:豆腐,香草精,甜味剂(可选不同类型的),自立我选择了枫糖浆,洋车前子壳粉(可以让我们的奶油变得厚重一点)。打至丝滑。Adding tofu, vanilla extract, your choice of sweetener and psyllium husk(this will thicken ur tofu based cream).Blend until smooth.

    纯素提拉米苏 vegan tiramisu的做法 步骤2
  3. 饼干用手浸一下冷萃咖啡就可以开始码起来了。千万不要泡在咖啡里,这款饼干空隙很大,泡了就碎。2层饼干1层奶油。饼干本身就很甜。Dipping ur cookies in cold brew and star laying. If u like a hint of alcohol, u can add some rum to ur cold brew. 2 layers of biscuits and 1 layer of tofu cream.

    纯素提拉米苏 vegan tiramisu的做法 步骤3
  4. 我这个盒子,三四层就到顶了,最后撒上可可粉就完工,放进冰箱就可以了。冷藏后豆腐奶油会更加成型~ it will taken 4 layers for the final dusting of cacao powder. Do it fancy if u have the tools. I only had a spoon so it looked kind rough.

    纯素提拉米苏 vegan tiramisu的做法 步骤4
  5. 完成,自己吃就挖着吃。如果要做给别人吃你就换一个透明容器,做成被子或者梅森罐子的就好了!If u like me, who s too lazy to make it fancy just dig in and enjoy! If u r making this for friends or family, Maison jars would be easier to use as little ramekins to present the dessert.

    纯素提拉米苏 vegan tiramisu的做法 步骤5
  6. 冷藏后更容易拿出来。Once it’s harden it also easy to scoop out.

    纯素提拉米苏 vegan tiramisu的做法 步骤6

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该菜谱发布于 2021-08-02 23:10:49
54 收藏

纯素提拉米苏 vegan tiramisu的答疑
