Feijoa Caramel Chocolate Bonbon

0 人做过这道菜


🌈Feijo Ganache
Feijoa puree 87g
Sugar 13g
Glucose 12
Milk chocolate 256g
Butter 40克
🌈 Shell
Dark chocolate

Feijoa Caramel Chocolate Bonbon的做法  

  1. Bring the pear puree with the sugar to the boil.
    Pour over the milk chocolate.
    When the temperature reaches 60 °C, add the butter

  2. Caramel 配方和制作👉 https://www.xiachufang.com/recipe/102971165/

  3. 壳制作好之后先填冷却至30c的caramel,再填ganache。ganache凝固之后盖上最后一层巧克力

    Feijoa Caramel Chocolate Bonbon的做法 步骤3
该菜谱发布于 2021-09-04 19:40:59
3 收藏

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