美国南部农家菜|Cajun Shrimp Boil

0 人做过这道菜
How to cook Seafood Boil


Shrimp 1 lb
Sweet corn ear 6 ct
Red potatoes 5 ct
Kielbasa sausage 1 (14oz)
Butter 100 G
Chopped garlic 1 head
Chopped onion 1
Soy sauce 1 Tbsp
Cajun seasoning 1 Tbsp
Paprika 1 Tbsp
Cayenne pepper 1 Tbsp
Garlic powder 1 Tbsp
Sugar 1 Tbsp

美国南部农家菜|Cajun Shrimp Boil的做法  

  1. Bake corns and potatoes
    Seasoned with salt, pepper and Cajun seasoning.
    Bake at 400 F for 20 minutes.

  2. Prepare a pan and heat the butter until it melts.
    Then the chopped garlic and onion, and cook for 1 min.
    Add all other seasoning: Cajun seasoning, paprika, Cayenne pepper, garlic powder, sugar and soy sauce, and mix them together.

    It would take 10 mins to heat the topping.

  3. Add sausage and shrimps in the pan, and cook for 3min until they are ready to eat.

  4. Prepare a baking pan where we have corns and potatoes and pour the shrimp mix in the pan to the pan.

  5. Now enjoy it with your family and friends!


You can add as much seafoods as you like, like crabs, mussels etc.
Also, you can choose your own style seasoning.
该菜谱发布于 2021-10-11 08:29:35
31 收藏

美国南部农家菜|Cajun Shrimp Boil的答疑

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