炒|啤酒炒鸡Beer stir-fried Chicken

2 人做过这道菜
Beer-braised chicken has an enticing color, tender and juicy meat, and a pleasant beer aroma, making it a delicious dish. It is a popular dish that is not only suitable for entertaining guests, but also a delightful option for family gatherings.


鸡丁 半斤
啤酒 1瓶
老抽 2勺
生抽 1勺
尖椒 6根

炒|啤酒炒鸡Beer stir-fried Chicken的做法  

  1. 备食材:鸡肉切小块儿,冲洗干净沥干备用;尖椒洗净切段;葱姜蒜适量。
    Ingredients preparation: Cut the chicken into small pieces, wash and drain them; wash and cut the pointed pepper into sections; prepare some green onion, ginger, and garlic.

    炒|啤酒炒鸡Beer stir-fried Chicken的做法 步骤1
  2. 凉锅热油,先放入姜蒜炒出香味后放入鸡块煸炒至没有红血丝,然后倒入一瓶啤酒大火烧开后转中火炖至10分钟左右(根据汤汁情况,锅内留有1/4汤汁即可),接着倒入2勺老抽和1勺生抽,煸炒收汁。
    Heat the pan and add hot oil. Stir-fry ginger and garlic until fragrant, then add chicken pieces and stir-fry until there are no more traces of blood. Then pour in a bottle of beer and bring it to a boil over high heat, then reduce to medium heat and simmer for about 10 minutes (keep about 1/4 of the broth in the pot according to the consistency of the sauce). Next, add 2 tablespoons of dark soy sauce and 1 tablespoon of light soy sauce, stir-fry until the sauce thickens.

    炒|啤酒炒鸡Beer stir-fried Chicken的做法 步骤2
  3. 最后,即出锅前,倒入葱段和尖椒煸炒2-3分钟即可出锅。
    Finally, before serving, add green onion sections and chopped chili peppers and stir-fry for 2-3 minutes before removing from the heat.

    炒|啤酒炒鸡Beer stir-fried Chicken的做法 步骤3

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该菜谱发布于 2023-08-05 20:42:09
40 收藏

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