piri piri烤鸡腿

0 人做过这道菜
说起piri piri感觉很多人都会想到Nando’s,虽然我不爱吃Nando’s,但是这个鸡腿真的还是非常建议尝试的,超好吃。


小土豆 mini potatoes 10-12个,切半halved
红洋葱 red onion 1个,切瓣 cut into wedges
甜玉米 corn on the cob 3个,切段cut into wedges
彩椒(红黄绿)peppers 各1个,切块roughly chopped
柠檬lemons 2个,切半 halved
鸡全腿chicken thighs 8个
樱桃番茄cherry tomatoes 12个
piri piri酱汁(建议翻倍)
甜椒粉 paprika 2茶匙(5毫升量勺)tsp
干牛至oregano 1餐匙(15毫升量勺)tbsp
姜粉ginger powder 1茶匙tsp
大蒜粉garlic powder 2茶匙tsp
卡宴辣椒粉cayenne pepper 2茶匙tsp
枫糖浆/蜂蜜maple syrup/honey 2餐匙tbsp
橄榄油olive oil 2餐匙tbsp
柠檬lemons 1个,挤汁 juice
盐和胡椒salt and pepper 适量

piri piri烤鸡腿的做法  

  1. 烤箱预热200摄氏度。将除鸡腿和樱桃番茄的蔬菜食材放在烤盘上混匀,将鸡腿放在蔬菜上。摆盘不要太挤,放不下可以分盘。
    Preheat the oven to 200C, put all the traybake ingredients other than chicken and tomatoes on the tray and mix well. Top with chicken thighs. Make sure the everything has space and not too crowded, you may need 2 trays.

  2. 将piri piri酱汁食材混合均匀后浇在食材上,混合均匀保证所有食材都被酱汁裹满。
    Stir together all the ingredients for piri piri mix and then drizzle over the whole tray. Mix together so that everything is well coated.

  3. 烤20分钟,加入樱桃番茄后再烤10-15分钟直到食材熟透。
    Roast for 20 minutes, add the cherry tomatoes and then return to the oven for another 10-15 minutes, or until the chicken is cooked through.



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该菜谱发布于 2023-10-16 15:56:06
4 收藏

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