
2 人做过这道菜
不知道你们有没有听说过一个电视节目叫the great British bake off,算是我第二喜欢看的真人类节目了(第一是homes under the hammer)。这个蛋糕就是GBBO片头的蛋糕,也是最新一季第一集的technical challenge(这个环节最好玩了哈哈哈)


黑巧克力,54% black chocolate 175g
无盐黄油 unsalted butter 150g,切块 diced
热水 hot water 125mL
鸡蛋 eggs 3
酸奶油 sour cream 125mL
植物油 veg oil 50mL
香草精 vanilla extract 2茶匙tsp
糖粉 caster sugar 150g
红糖 brown sugar 150g
面粉 plain flour 250g
泡打粉 baking powder 2.5茶匙tsp
可可粉 cocoa powder 50g
小苏打 baking soda 1.5茶匙tsp
盐 salt 0.25茶匙tsp
黑巧克力,54% dark chocolate 300g
无盐黄油 unsalted butter 25g,切块diced
稀奶油 double cream 450mL


  1. 烤箱预热160度,两个八寸烤盘垫油纸侧面刷油。
    Preheat the oven to 160C, grease and base line 2 x 8 inch cake tins with butter and baking parchment.

  2. 将巧克力,黄油和水混合,架在装有开水的小锅上隔水加热至融化后搅拌均匀。
    Combine the chocolate, butter and water in a heat-proof bowl and set over a pan of barely simmering water. Stir until melted and then whisk to combine. Remove the bowl from the heat and leave to cool slightly.

  3. 将鸡蛋,酸奶油,油和香草精混合。加入糖搅拌均匀后与上一步巧克力糊混合至顺滑。
    In a large mixing bowl use a balloon whisk to mix the eggs, sour cream, oil and vanilla until combined. Add both sugars and whisk until smooth. Add the melted chocolate mixture and whisk again until smooth.

  4. 将可可粉,面粉,泡打粉,小苏打和盐混合均匀后筛入巧克力糊中混合均匀。等量倒入两个准备好的模具后烘烤30-40分钟至竹签插入蛋糕没有液体粘连在竹签上时出炉。在模具内静置10分钟后小心脱膜放烤架到凉透。
    Sift the flour, cocoa, bicarbonate of soda and salt into the bowl and whisk until thoroughly combined. Divide the mixture evenly between the prepared tins and level with a palette knife. Bake for about 35-40 minutes until a wooden skewer inserted into the centre of the sponges comes out clean. Leave the sponges to cool in the tins for 10 minutes and then carefully remove from the tins and leave to cool completely on a wire rack.

  5. 制作奶油霜。将巧克力和黄油放到碗中,将奶油烧到刚刚开后离火倒入巧克力和黄油中。静置1分钟等待融化,然后搅拌至顺滑光泽。奶油霜需放置到完全凉透定型再使用。
    For the ganache: measure the chocolate and butter into a heatproof bowl and set aside. Pour the cream into a medium saucepan and slowly bring just to the boil. Remove from the heat and pour over the chocolate and butter. Leave the hot cream to melt the chocolate without stirring for 1 minute and then stir until smooth and glossy. Once smooth, leave it to cool and thicken before using.

  6. 组装。将两个蛋糕鼓起的面相对。大约将6餐匙的奶油霜夹在蛋糕中间,剩余的奶油霜抹面。最后用喜欢的水果装饰。
    Place one of the sponges on a cake stand and spread approximately 6 tablespoons of the ganache over the top with a palette knife or spoon. Top with the second sponge, turned upside down so the flat side is the top of the cake. Gently press the two cakes together. Cover the top and sides of the cake with the remaining ganache and roughly smooth the sides. Arrange the raspberries on top.

参照这个菜谱,大家做出 2 作品

该菜谱发布于 2023-11-23 12:34:56
4 收藏

