铁锅炖(Iron stew pot)

0 人做过这道菜
(Stewed ribs in an iron pot, reward yourself for working six days in a row)


铁锅炖(Iron stew pot)的做法  

  1. 食材主要包含猪小排,土豆、莴笋、四季豆,土豆和莴笋切成滚刀块,四季豆对半折开,葱姜蒜切好备用
    (The main ingredients include pork side ribs, potatoes, asparagus lettuce, green beans, cut the potatoes and asparagus lettuce into cubes, green beans folded in half, scallions,ginger,garlic and capsicum  frutescens cut and set aside)

    铁锅炖(Iron stew pot)的做法 步骤1
  2. 准备一个比较大的碗或者盆,加入面粉和盐,搅拌均匀,酵母用温水化开陆续倒入面粉中,无明显干粉后上手揉成面团,静置十分钟后,搓成小剂子放入盛满水的大碗里
    (Prepare a relatively large bowl or basin, add flour and salt, stir evenly, yeast opened with warm water into the flour, no obvious dry powder after the hand knead into dough, stand for ten minutes, rub into a small dosage into a large bowl filled with water)

    铁锅炖(Iron stew pot)的做法 步骤2
  3. 把猪肥肉放锅里煸炒,这个是上次去吃地锅鹅时学到的法子
    (The pork fat is stir-fried in the wok, which is the way I learned the last time I went to eat the goose)

    铁锅炖(Iron stew pot)的做法 步骤3
  4. 油煸的差不多了再下排骨继续翻炒
    (When the oil is almost fried, then continue to stir fry the ribs)

    铁锅炖(Iron stew pot)的做法 步骤4
  5. 排骨有微微焦黄感后,放入准备好的小料
    (Once the ribs are lightly browned, add the prepared ingredients)

    铁锅炖(Iron stew pot)的做法 步骤5
  6. 锅边淋一圈料酒,放入生抽老抽盐,翻炒均匀后,加入适量的水焖煮排骨
    (Pour a ring of cooking wine on the edge of the pot, add light soy sauce salt, stir evenly, add an appropriate amount of braised pork ribs)

    铁锅炖(Iron stew pot)的做法 步骤6
  7. 最后放入准备好的蔬菜(土豆可以跟上一步骤一起放,要煮很久才会熟)往锅边贴上实现准备好的饼子,跟蔬菜一起焖煮
    (Finally, put in the prepared vegetables (potatoes can be put together with the previous step, it will take a long time to cook), put the prepared cake on the side of the pot, and stew with the vegetables)

    铁锅炖(Iron stew pot)的做法 步骤7
  8. 家庭版铁锅炖就做好啦,饼子有点厚,味道还是可以的
    (The home version of the iron pot stew is done, the cake is a little thick, the taste is still ok)

    铁锅炖(Iron stew pot)的做法 步骤8
该菜谱发布于 2024-01-14 21:34:55
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