peanut brittle

0 人做过这道菜

peanut 300 g
salt 1/4 tsp
chili pepper powder + cayenne chili powder = 1/4 tsp 
sugar 1 cup
water 1/2 cup
baking soda 1/2 tsp


peanuts 300 g

peanut brittle的做法  

  1. roast peanuts
    xiaogaojie: 300F for 17 mins (including preheating time) --- wasn't enough for mine
    online: 350F for 20 - 25 mins (stop when smelling peanut aroma)
    - 12/14/2024: 300F for 17 mins, then rest, then 300 for 5 mins and 350 for 5 mins

  2. caramelize sugar
    add in peanuts and heat up for 2 mins (adding peanuts will drop temperature and affect sugarwork, so make sure the heat is still up at this step)
    sprinkle in baking soda, stir and pour out

    - xiaogaojie had specific time frames, but my didn't reach any stage at that timeline. so may need to tweak next time.
    - 12/14/2024: wasn't enough liquid after coating peanuts, so after adding baking soda it didn't puff up. i then added more water and re-boiled the sugar. then sprinkle in more baking soda. but it never really puffed up.

该菜谱发布于 2024-12-16 01:31:46
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