原味棉花糖 Marshmallows | 300g |
抹茶粉 (Macha Powder/Alt:Milk or Choco Powder) | 25g |
黄油/植物油 butter | 50g |
奶粉 Milk Powder | 10g |
白巧克力(秘方就是往死里可劲奢侈) white chocolate | 100g |
各类坚果果干 NUTS | 自己看着办 whatever amount |
不断背的落基山一袋刚好300g么么哒~ Marshmallows
坚果先烤熟 (Bake the nuts for better scent & flavor)
这一步很关键!混合所有材料(坚果果干除外因为我不喜欢太碎的)放进搅拌机粉碎。 I like to blend everything before heated just because of the white chocolate will not be fully melted in the microwave, but this can be skipped
你问我为什么要这么做?直觉. My instinct told me so :)
打碎后放入果干坚果 then place in nuts.
放进微波炉 to the microwave
40秒,不要多!Start with 40 seconds
拿出来死命搅匀,生死时速,争分夺秒,是否够Q就看你手快不快了。如果变硬了颜色还不均匀就在进去叮十秒。 Try your best to blend, this decides how Q the finished nougat is, if it gets colder and stiffy you just need to reheat by another 20 seconds. Then blend again.
好了,用刮刀趁热剥到油纸上(如果有什么硅胶模也可以代替)Relocate them onto the oil paper
来用手把翔压平,送入冷藏一晚(不要猴急,乖) Use your hands to massage evenly and send our sleeping beauty to fridge for one night (Be kind and nice to each other, don't rush to eat already:))
第二天一早拿出来,切块拍照传朋友圈,面对大家汹涌的赞美之词,要保持淡定。 Take it out the next day, take picture, send to Tiffany and facebook, be calm and proud to the flooding compliments from your folks, yah~!