![水果 干果 甜酱的封面](https://i2.chuimg.com/a1efb6bd91c9421e80a0a96d2f019dfa_1352w_920h.jpg?imageView2/1/w/300/h/140/interlace/1/q/75)
生腰果 Raw Cashew Nuts | 1碗 1bowl |
黑椒粒 Black Pepper | 1把 1handful |
八角 Star Anise | 1颗 1piece |
桂皮 Cinnamon | 1根 1stick |
白糖 Sugar | 半碗 half bowl |
Place raw cashew nuts on a roasting tray, coat a light layer of oil and bake in oven at 150 degrees C for 40 minutes
Pour half a bowl of sugar into the pot and mix in a bowl of water. Stir well. Heat over low flame until the syrup thickens and turns into a darker color ( starts turning into caramel)
Grind black pepper, star anise and cinnamon
Pour the ground spice mixture into the pot and mix with the caramel
Pour in the roasted cashew nuts into the pot, turn off the fire and use a spoon to mix the cashew nuts. Make sure that every cashew nut is coated with caramel
Place the cashew nut on baking paper and bake in oven for another 20 minutes. Remove from oven and serve when the cashew nuts have cooled down