豉油皇炒面Stir fried noodles with special soy sauce

8.6 综合评分
11 人做过这道菜
Stir fried noodles with special soy sauce or soy sauce chow mein is a famous Cantonese chow mein dish, enjoying a high popularity especially for breakfast time inside China.


全蛋麵 Fresh noodles 350g
銀芽 Bean sprouts 150g
韭菜 Chives 75g
洋蔥 Onion 1/2個 1/2 pc
生抽 Light soy sauce 1湯匙 1 tbsp
老抽 Dark soy sauce 1.5湯匙 1.5 tbsp
蠔油 Oyster sauce 1湯匙 1 tbsp
糖 Sugar 1/2 茶匙 1/2 tsp
鹽 Salt 1/2 茶匙 1/2 tsp

豉油皇炒面Stir fried noodles with special soy sauce的做法  

  1. 全蛋麵放入沸水中燙開, 撈起后瀝乾水分。用筷子挑散後加入一湯匙油拌勻。 Cook noodles in a large pot of boiling water, drain, separate with chopsitcks and mix in 1 table spoon of oil.

  2. 生抽、老抽、蠔油、糖拌勻成豉油王,備用。 Mix top(light) and dark soy sauce, oyster sauce, sugar in to a special soy sauce.

  3. 韭菜切成6厘米長段,洋蔥切絲,備用。 Cut chives in 6cm sections, shred onion.

  4. 大火燒熱兩湯匙油,放入洋蔥,炒至洋蔥變軟,放入銀芽和韭菜同炒,加入鹽調味,撈出備用。Stir fry onions in 2 tablespoons of oil in a wok over high heat until onions soften, add bean sprouts and chives, season with salt and remove from wok.

  5. 把麵放入鑊中炒香,倒入豉油王同炒至顔色均勻,加入兩湯匙開水再加入炒好的蔬菜同炒一會,即成。Stir fry noodles in the wok, add special soy sauce and mix thoughtly . Sprink 2 tablespoons of boiling water, stir in vegetables until all the ingredients are mixed together.


350g 全蛋麵為三人食用的份量 :)

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该菜谱发布于 2016-05-17 21:15:10
565 收藏


豉油皇炒面Stir fried noodles with special soy sauce的答疑
