![生酮 风味的封面](https://i2.chuimg.com/2a967918878911e6a9a10242ac110002_600w_450h.jpg?imageView2/1/w/300/h/140/interlace/1/q/75)
帕马森芝士碎 grated parmesan cheese | ½ cup |
橄榄油 olive oil | ½ cup |
第戎芥末 Dijon mustard | 1 tablespoon |
红酒醋 red wine vinegar | 1 teaspoon |
黑胡椒粉 ground black pepper | 1 pinch |
蒜末 garlic clove, grated | ½ |
盐 salt | ½ teaspoon |
凤尾鱼片 anchovies filets | 3 – 5 |
柠檬汁 lemon, the juice | ½ |
搅拌所有材料(除了盐)直至酱汁柔滑。最后加盐调味,如有需要可以加水稀释。 Whisk or blend the ingredients, except for the salt, in a beaker until the dressing is smooth. Salt to taste and/or dilute with water if desired.