【生酮ketogenic】杏仁粉芝士脆饼FATHEAD CRACKERS

8.2 综合评分
33 人做过这道菜
1 tbsp=15 ml
1 tsp=5 ml
1 oz=28 g
1 cup = 16 tbsp = 48 tsp = 240 ml

Serving size: 1 Serving (serves 6)
Calories: 203
Fat: 16.8g
Carbohydrates: 4g
Sugar: 1g
Fibre: 1.6g
Protein: 11g


芝士碎(马苏里拉或者伊顿最佳)shredded/grated cheese (mozzarella is the best or Edam/mild cheese) 170g / 6 oz / 1¾ cups (approx)
杏仁粉almond flour/meal 85g / 3 oz / ¾ cup
奶油奶酪cream cheese 2 tbs
鸡蛋egg 1
盐+/- salt to taste
其他调味料(可选) flavourings of choice (optional) ½ tsp

【生酮ketogenic】杏仁粉芝士脆饼FATHEAD CRACKERS的做法  

  1. 芝士碎和杏仁粉混合,加入奶油奶酪,微波炉高火一分钟。Mix the shredded/grated cheese and almond flour/meal in a microwaveable bowl. Add the cream cheese. Microwave on HIGH for 1 minute.

    【生酮ketogenic】杏仁粉芝士脆饼FATHEAD CRACKERS的做法 步骤1
  2. 取出搅拌均匀,再次放入微波炉,高火30秒。Stir then microwave on HIGH for another 30 seconds.

    【生酮ketogenic】杏仁粉芝士脆饼FATHEAD CRACKERS的做法 步骤2
  3. 加入鸡蛋,盐和调味料,轻轻搅拌。Add the egg, salt, and flavourings, mix gently.

    【生酮ketogenic】杏仁粉芝士脆饼FATHEAD CRACKERS的做法 步骤3
  4. 把得到的面团放在两张油纸中间,用擀面杖擀成薄片。取下上层油纸。(如果面团变硬,难以擀薄,可以放回微波炉加热10-20秒,但时间不能太长,否则鸡蛋会变熟)Place in between 2 baking sheets and roll thinly. Remove the top baking sheet. If the mixture hardens and becomes difficult to work with, pop it back in the microwave for 10-20 seconds to soften again but not too long or you will cook the egg.

    【生酮ketogenic】杏仁粉芝士脆饼FATHEAD CRACKERS的做法 步骤4
  5. 把面团切成小块,如图均匀摆放在烤盘中。Cut the dough into small bite size pieces. Place each one on a lined baking tray as shown.

    【生酮ketogenic】杏仁粉芝士脆饼FATHEAD CRACKERS的做法 步骤5
  6. 220℃每面烤5分钟(根据自己的烤箱时间略有不同),直到两面都变成棕色,并且变脆。Bake at 220C/425F for 5 minutes on each side, or until browned on both side and crisp.

  7. 冷却后放入密封盒内,放入冰箱保存。如果天气比较冷,可以在储藏室内放三天。Cool on a wire rack and keep in an airtight container in the fridge. IF the weather is cool, you may store the container on your pantry for up to 3 days.


Here are a few options for flavourings:
Taco seasoning
Top with parmesan for the final few minutes
Lemon and rosemary
Poppy seeds

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该菜谱发布于 2017-01-04 23:40:22
2342 收藏

【生酮ketogenic】杏仁粉芝士脆饼FATHEAD CRACKERS的答疑
