
0 人做过这道菜
Long time ago.there was a handsome and hardworking guy in a small village.one day.he cooked a meal for his family.after finishing the meal he left kitchen.the mice came in to steal the food.just then,the guy came back.he was very angry and he killed them.one of those mice is a prince of mouse country.the mouse King heard this news.he decided to revenge this guy.he made this guy became an ugly walnut by magic.only the kiss of true love can stop the magic.after that.the guy's mom made a cookie with this walnut.she hoped that one girl would stop the magic if she could eat it.many years later.the guy was still a cookie.because it too hard to eat.until one day.another handsome man who was passing this guy's house.he knocked the door and asked help.he returned from hunting alone and he lost his way.so he was very hungry,he caught nothing for a whole day.when this guy's mom came in to kitchen to cook.as soon as the man took the walnut cookie to eat from dish the cookie became a man.finally,they loved each other and had been living together.even though both of them are men...


低筋面粉 300g
植物油 100ml
糖粉 100g
小苏打 2g
泡打粉 2g
鸡蛋 1个
碎核桃 适量


  1. 植物油 糖粉 盐放入盆中搅匀。

    核桃酥的做法 步骤1
  2. 加入一枚鸡蛋继续搅匀,用筛子筛入低筋面粉和小苏打、泡打粉,用手揉匀。

    核桃酥的做法 步骤2
  3. 核桃仁打碎成小颗粒状。(用塑料袋装好后用啤酒瓶敲碎PS沒钱买不起核桃仁只好自个剥)

    核桃酥的做法 步骤3
  4. 打碎的核桃仁加入搅匀的面粉中搅拌均匀。

    核桃酥的做法 步骤4
  5. 继续用手揉搓至面团状。

    核桃酥的做法 步骤5
  6. 面团揉成30g左右毎个的小球,用手掌轻轻按成饼,表面刷上一层蛋液,撒上芝麻作为装饰。

    核桃酥的做法 步骤6
  7. 烤箱180度预热5分钟,然后把做好的饼胚放入烤箱,上下管烤18分钟左右,注意核桃酥表面色泽金黄开裂即可。

    核桃酥的做法 步骤7


该菜谱发布于 2017-04-15 12:01:46
1 收藏



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