生酮·低碳面包 Low-Carb Bread

1 人做过这道菜
转自@Tasty 的菜谱 5 Low-Carb Breakfasts(截图见水印)


鸡蛋黄 6
鸡蛋白 6
全蛋 2
杏仁粉 200g
泡打粉 15g
塔塔粉 1-2g

生酮·低碳面包 Low-Carb Bread的做法  

  1. 烤箱预热190度
    Preheat oven to 375°F (190°C).

  2. 6个鸡蛋蛋黄蛋白分离。
    Carefully separate 6 eggs, placing the yolks in a large bowl and the the whites in a medium size bowl.

  3. 再敲2个鸡蛋放入装了6个蛋黄的碗中。搅打蛋黄至顺滑状态
    Place the 2 whole eggs in the large bowl with the yolks and add the oil. 4. Beat together with a fork or whisk until smooth.

  4. 筛入杏仁粉、泡打粉、一小撮盐到蛋黄液中。(可根据个人喜好,加入50g油)拌匀。(个人感觉拌出来有点像南瓜泥😂)
    Add the almond flour, baking powder, and a pinch of salt to the egg yolk mixture. Stir the mixture with a spatula until well incorporated and set aside.

    生酮·低碳面包 Low-Carb Bread的做法 步骤4

  5. 在蛋白中加入塔塔粉,打发至硬性发泡状态(立起不易倒塌的尖尖)。
    Add the cream of tartar to the egg whites and beat with a hand mixer until stiff peaks form.

  6. 用橡胶铲舀1/3蛋白到杏仁粉面团中拌匀,不要太大力。
    Use a rubber spatula to transfer ⅓ of the whipped egg whites to the almond mixture and gently fold the batter together.

  7. 再加1/3蛋白到面糊中搅拌至顺滑。
    Add the next ⅓ of the whites to the batter and fold in until smooth.

  8. 再把剩下的蛋白倒入,全部轻轻拌匀看不到蛋白为止。
    Gently fold in the remaining egg whites just until the batter is smooth and no white streaks remain.

  9. 在烤面包盘中铺上油纸,倒入拌好的面糊。
    Line the bottom of an ungreased loaf pan with parchment paper and pour in the batter.

    生酮·低碳面包 Low-Carb Bread的做法 步骤9
  10. 烤40分钟,直到表面凝固。
    Bake for 40 minutes, until the top has set and formed a golden crust.

  11. 取出后冷却10分钟再用刀从烤盘中取出。
    Let the loaf cool for 10 minutes before running a thin knife along the inside of the pan to release the sides of the loaf. Gently unmold the loaf from the pan and remove the parchment paper on the bottom.

  12. 在室温中冷却1h后再切片。
    Let the cake cool at room temperature for 1 hour before slicing.

  13. 搭配喜欢的食物吧~比如牛油果切片加盐和黑胡椒~

    生酮·低碳面包 Low-Carb Bread的做法 步骤13

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该菜谱发布于 2018-06-22 02:58:51
219 收藏

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