奶香吐司Milky toast

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高筋面粉High gluten flour 650克/g
黃油Butter 50克/g
雲尼拿油Vanilla oil 1克/g
水Water 420克/g
酵母Yeast 7克/g
盐Slat 4克/g
糖Sugar 70克/g
奶粉Milk Power 50克/g

奶香吐司Milky toast的做法  

  1. 把B材料混合加水攪拌均勻
    Mix the material B with water and stir evenly.

    奶香吐司Milky toast的做法 步骤1
  2. 高根麵粉放入廚師機,加材料B,先用長勺攪拌至初步混合
    High gluten flour put in the chef's machine.Add the material B. Stir evenly with a long spoon until initially mixed.

    奶香吐司Milky toast的做法 步骤2
  3. 開機慢速先攪2分鐘,再調至快速攪至8分鐘,快速意思是剛巧麵團和桶壁有拍打的效果就可以了,不用調至最高速
    Boot slowly and stir for two minutes.Adjust and stir quickly until eight minutes.Fast means that the dough and the machine have the effect of slapping.Do not adjust the maximum speed.

    奶香吐司Milky toast的做法 步骤3
  4. 加入馬芝蓮和雲尼拿油,先慢速至他們和麵團混合,再調至快速繼續
    Add Margarine and vanilla oil.Stir and mix slowly.Adjust the quick stirring again.

    奶香吐司Milky toast的做法 步骤4
  5. 15分鐘左右,麵團成形,根度良好,可以進行分切
    About 15 minutes the dough molding can be cut.

    奶香吐司Milky toast的做法 步骤5
  6. 分切成每個200克小麵團磋圓,放進洒上麵粉的烤盤上
    Cut into small dough of 200 grams each.Put it in a baking pan sprinkled with flour.

    奶香吐司Milky toast的做法 步骤6
  7. 蓋上保鮮膜發酵至兩倍大
    Cover the cling film twice times the size of the fermentation.

    奶香吐司Milky toast的做法 步骤7
  8. 開始做型入模具,拿出麵團壓扁,做成卷狀。Start making into the mold.Take out the dough and squash it to make a roll.

    奶香吐司Milky toast的做法 步骤8
  9. 放入已刷上油的模具裡,蓋上蓋子
    Put it in a mold that has been brushed and oiled.Cover the lid.

    奶香吐司Milky toast的做法 步骤9
  10. 放酵至9成滿
    Into the fermentation cabinet.Fermented to 90% full.

    奶香吐司Milky toast的做法 步骤10
  11. 烤箱預熱,上下火200度,放入靠下層,烤焗45分鐘
    Preheat the oven.The upper and lower temperatures are adjusted to 200 degree. Into the middle and lower layers.Bake for 45 minutes.

    奶香吐司Milky toast的做法 步骤11
  12. 脫模放涼,可放3天
    Keep the demoulding cool.It can be stored for three days.

    奶香吐司Milky toast的做法 步骤12

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该菜谱发布于 2019-06-07 22:36:55
6 收藏


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