去骨羊腿肉 | 1公斤,切块 |
洋葱 | 1个,切块 |
大蒜 | 3瓣,拍碎 |
土耳其杏干 | 175克 |
姜粉 | 1茶匙(5毫升小勺)1tsp |
肉桂粉 | 1茶匙(5毫升小勺)1tsp |
辣椒粉 | 1茶匙(5毫升小勺)1tsp |
蜂蜜 | 2餐匙(15毫升大勺)2tbsp |
新鲜番茄 或 番茄罐头 | 4个大号 或 400克2罐 |
胡萝卜(选用) | 3个 |
盐和胡椒 | 适量 |
食用油 | 适量 |
中火将油烧热,加入切块的羊肉炒至变色,盛出备用。 Heat the oil in a large frying pan and brown the lamb. When brown, put on a plate to one side.
中火将洋葱和大蒜炒软,然后加入杏干,香料,蜂蜜,番茄和羊肉搅匀。等开锅后加入盐和胡椒调味,小火加盖2小时至羊肉酥烂。如果加入胡萝卜,在煮至1.5小时时加入。 Add the onions and garlic and cook on a medium heat until softened. Turn up the heat, then add the apricots, spices, honey, tomatoes and browned lamb, mix well. Bring to boil, season with salt and pepper. Cover and cook on a low heat for 2 hours until the lamb is very tender. If using carrots, add them when the lamb is cooked for 1.5 hours.