(海盐芝士奶盖)&Cheese cove

0 人做过这道菜
àī烘焙  Cheese cove
Formula 20 cups and 2 cups


淡奶油 Light cream 1000克 100g
奶油奶酪 Cream cheese 220克 27.5g
炼奶 Condensed milk 300克 37.5g
纯牛奶 milk 200毫升 25ml
海盐 sea salt 14克 1.75g

(海盐芝士奶盖)&Cheese cove的做法  

  1. 两份配料准备好
    ingredients ready

    (海盐芝士奶盖)&Cheese cove的做法 步骤1
  2. 1首先将奶油从冰箱中取出,隔盆放入冰水中1 first, take the cream out of the refrigerator,Put them in ice water

    (海盐芝士奶盖)&Cheese cove的做法 步骤2
  3. 1 first, take the cream out of the refrigerator,Put them in ice water

    (海盐芝士奶盖)&Cheese cove的做法 步骤3
  4. 2.奶油奶酪🧀️放入搅拌机中打碎10秒
    Beat cream cheese in blender for 10 seconds

    (海盐芝士奶盖)&Cheese cove的做法 步骤4
  5. 3加入牛奶搅拌5秒
    3.Stir in milk for 5 seconds
    4.Put in condensed milk and sea salt and mix well

    (海盐芝士奶盖)&Cheese cove的做法 步骤5
  6. 5. 将搅拌好的液体过滤
    5.Strain the stirred liquid

    (海盐芝士奶盖)&Cheese cove的做法 步骤6
  7. 6.低速打发均然后高速打发。打发好的奶盖后在常温静置半小时,降温后搅拌至顺滑即可。
    6. Slowly whisk the cream evenly, then quickly whisk the cream to 50%. Leave the whipped milk cover at room temperature for half an hour,After cooling, stir until smooth.

    (海盐芝士奶盖)&Cheese cove的做法 步骤7
  8. 7. 开始准备任何一种饮料🥤然后加入饮料或茶中,非常非常美味。
    7Start to prepare any kind of beverage and then add it to the beverage or tea. It's very delicious.
    This picture is i make cheese, cheese, strawberry
    (Zhizhi strawberry)

    (海盐芝士奶盖)&Cheese cove的做法 步骤8


Tips:Do not beat the cream too much. First, slow to fast, fast to slow. Pay attention to the state of the liquid.
该菜谱发布于 2020-02-22 20:23:52
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(海盐芝士奶盖)&Cheese cove的答疑

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