蓬松味增芝麻曲奇(纯素无糖) Fluffy Miso Sesame Cookie (vegan, no added sugar)

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——— 干粉类 dry ingredients ———
面粉 (全品面粉或全麦面粉)all purpose flour or whole wheat flour 4 杯 4 cups
泡打粉 baking powder 1.75 茶匙 1.75 teaspoons
小苏打 baking soda 1.5 茶匙 1.5 teaspoons
——— 湿类 wet ingredients ———
液态椰子油或其他植物油 liquid coconut oil or vegetable oil 半杯 0.5 cup
味增 miso paste 3-5 汤匙 3-5 tablespoons
香蕉 烂熟 very ripe bananas 4根
杏仁粉(不必须)almond flour (optional) 半杯 0.5 cup
——— 纯素蛋 vegan “egg” ———
车前子粉(或奇亚籽) psyllium husk or chia seeds 1 汤匙 1 tablespoon
水 water 半杯 half cup
——— 其他 other ———
香草精 vanilla extract 1 茶匙 1 teaspoon
黑芝麻 black sesame seeds 3 汤匙 3 tablespoons
椰子片或黑巧克力 coconut flakes or dark chocolate chips as topping

蓬松味增芝麻曲奇(纯素无糖) Fluffy Miso Sesame Cookie (vegan, no added sugar)的做法  

  1. 烤箱预热180摄氏度。Preheat oven 180 C or 350 F.

  2. 制作纯素蛋:在一个小碗中放入车前子粉或奇亚籽,加半杯水混匀。Make vegan “egg”: mix psyllium husk (or chia seeds) and water in a bowl.

  3. 在一个大碗中,所有干粉类混匀。In one large bowl, mix all dry ingredients (flour, baking powder, baking soda).

  4. 在另一个大碗内,把熟香蕉去皮用叉子碾碎,混入杏仁粉,味增,油。用手持打蛋器打匀。In another large bowl, mash the bananas with a fork, then add miso paste, oil, and almond flour. Mix well with a hand mixer.

  5. 再把香草精和全素蛋倒入上一步碗中,打匀。Add vanilla extract and vegan “egg” to the bowl in the last step, mix well with a hand mixer.

  6. 将干粉类分次倒入上一步的大碗中,混合均匀形成面团。Add the dry ingredients into the bowl in the last step batches. Mix well to form cookie dough.

  7. 加入黑芝麻,混匀。Add black sesame seeds, mix well in the cookie dough.

  8. 曲奇勺把混好的面团一点点放到烤盘中。使用硅胶垫可以防粘。Use a cookie scoop (I used OXO medium cookie scoop) to scoop the cookie dough to baking pan (with silicon baking sheet on it).

  9. 小心地放上椰子片或巧克力。 Carefully put on toppings.

  10. 根据想要的熟度,烤16-20分钟。取出后放凉。 Bake for 16-20 minutes (depends on how cooked you’d like them to be). Then take out, cool on rack.


蓬松味增芝麻曲奇(纯素无糖) Fluffy Miso Sesame Cookie (vegan, no added sugar)相关分类

该菜谱发布于 2020-03-07 13:39:38
14 收藏

蓬松味增芝麻曲奇(纯素无糖) Fluffy Miso Sesame Cookie (vegan, no added sugar)的答疑

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