烤脑花baked pork brain

0 人做过这道菜


脑花pork brain 6只
蒜泥minced garlic
烧烤酱 spicy BBQ sauce 3tbsp
火锅底料spicy hotpot base 1pack
洋葱onion 1只
蒜泥minced garlic 4tbsp
蚝油oyster sauce 2tbsp
豆瓣酱toucan sauce 2tbsp
糖sugar 2tsp

烤脑花baked pork brain的做法  

  1. 锅里加油,放入洋葱大蒜炒香。炒至洋葱水汽挥发,加豆瓣酱,炒至豆瓣酱变红。
    Put oil to wok. Add onion and garlic stir fry until water evaporates. Add touban sauce and fry until red color.

    烤脑花baked pork brain的做法 步骤1
  2. 用料 ingredient used

    烤脑花baked pork brain的做法 步骤2
  3. 加入火锅底料和所有的配料,炒匀炒香。
    Add spicy hotpot sauce and rest of the ingredients for BBQ sauce. Mixed well and cook until fragrant. About 10min.

    烤脑花baked pork brain的做法 步骤3
  4. 烧烤酱放入瓶中保存。 Put the bbq sauce into bottle for preserve.

    烤脑花baked pork brain的做法 步骤4
  5. 烤盘底垫上喜欢的蔬菜不垫亦可。放入脑花。加上烧烤酱,淋入高汤料酒。面上撒蒜泥。烤箱180度30分钟。
    Put cabbage or potato under the pork brain. Top with 3 tbsp bbq sauce. Add wine and chicken stock. Sprinkle minced garlic on top. Bake at 180 degree for 30min.

    烤脑花baked pork brain的做法 步骤5


该菜谱发布于 2021-10-29 23:23:21
9 收藏

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