羊肉咖喱 Minced Lamb Curry

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食用油 vegetable oil 30毫升 2tbsp
洋葱 onion 2个,去皮切丁 2, diced
大蒜 garlic cloves 5瓣,去皮拍碎 5, crushed
鲜姜 ginger 5厘米长,去皮切末 5cm, grated
姜黄粉 turmeric 1茶匙 1tsp
玛莎拉/咖喱粉 Masala/Curry 1茶匙 1tsp
辣椒粉 Chilli powder 1茶匙 1tsp
番茄膏 Tomato Puree 30毫升 2tbsp
羊肉馅 Minced lamb 500克 500g
羊肉高汤 Lamb stock 500毫升 500mL
番茄罐头 Tinned tomatoes 400克 400g
土豆 Potatoes 450克*
豌豆 Peas 200克 200g
香菜 Coriander 适量,装饰 to garnish
绿辣椒 Green chilli 1根,切片 1, sliced, to garnish

羊肉咖喱 Minced Lamb Curry的做法  

  1. 高火,热锅冷油,加入洋葱炒至焦黄(5分钟左右),然后加入蒜末和姜蓉继续炒制两分钟。Place a large, non-stick saute pan over a high heat. When hot, add the oil and the onions and cook till lightly golden brown. Add the garlic and ginger and stir for 2 minutes.

  2. 调至中小火后加入姜黄粉,玛莎拉(或咖喱粉),辣椒粉后炒出香味,然后加入番茄膏后继续搅拌1分钟。加入羊肉馅搅拌2-3分钟,过程中将结团的肉馅捣碎。然后加入高汤和番茄罐头,煮开。Reduce the heat, then add the turmeric, masala (curry powder), chilli powder and stir until aromatic. Add the tomato puree and stir for another minute. Add the minced lamb and stir for 2-3 minutes, breaking up the meat as it cooks. Add the stock and the tomatoes and bring to a simmer.

  3. 加入土豆丁,高火煮10-15分钟,或者直到汤汁浓稠,土豆完全煮熟。加入豌豆煮1分钟,用香菜和辣椒圈装饰。Add the potatoes and cook for 10-15 minutes over a high heat, or until the sauce has thickened and the potatoes are cooked. Stir in the peas and cook for 1 minute, then garnish with the coriander and chilli before serving.


*土豆去皮切1厘米丁 Potatoes should be peeled and cut into 1cm dice.

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该菜谱发布于 2022-05-13 22:08:05
4 收藏

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